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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
191-08133 viewsSeymour, looking south at the northern most Goulburn River bridge, end of Gordon Crescent, Seymour, quarry to the left. V/Line G class on down Sydney Express on the standard gauge, broad gauge lines on the right, Seymour behind photographer.
191-17133 viewsBroadford, Smiths Lane looking north, UP special sleeper discharge train behind Victorian Railways liveried B class B 65 Clyde Engineering EMD ML2 model serial ML2-6.
121-34132 viewsMaryvale, yard overview of Maryvale Siding looking towards Morwell, Hazelwood Siding off on the left.
172-33132 viewsBallarat East loco depot, V/Line broad gauge T class, 2nd series, stored with several other members of the class.
177-24132 viewsGheringhap, down V/Line broad gauge goods train to Adelaide 9169 gets under way towards Ararat via Cressy with semaphore signal post 4 pulled off for the Cressy line, with power of the quad combo of a pair of Australian National BL class locomotives BL 27 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1011 and class leader BL 26 'Bob Hawke' serial 83-1010 and V/Line S class S 313 'Alfred Deakin' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 61-230 and X class X 53 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-800, BL 27 had Paul Keating drawn on the LHS cab as it was just after he'd taken the Labor Party leadership and the Prime Ministership off Bob Hawke.
179-24132 viewsGheringhap, V/Line broad gauge goods train 9169 to Adelaide behind G class G 512 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 84-1240 and C classes C 510 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-833 and C 509 serial 76-832 creeps along the Maroona Line under the Midland Highway overpass as the 2nd person has just climbed aboard G 512 and head home to Dimboola, X class X 51 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-798 is stowed in Siding C and the Ballarat Line is in-between the loco and train.
179-25132 viewsGheringhap, V/Line broad gauge goods train 9169 to Adelaide behind G class G 512 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 84-1240 and C classes C 510 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-833 and C 509 serial 76-832 powers away on the Maroona Line bound for Dimboola and Adelaide, while X class X 51 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-798 is stowed in Siding C, the Ballarat Line is in-between the loco and train.
162-3-24132 viewsSeymour, V/Line broad gauge diesel electric locomotive X class X 50 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-797, cab side shot, stabled down Wodonga goods train 9303.
123-2-21132 viewsSunshine track view, Newport - Sunshine Loop Line, looking towards Sunshine, double doll semaphore signal posts 36 and pulled off semaphore signal post 49, G class arriving with an up Brooklyn bound Apex quarry train.
123-2-24132 viewsSunshine track view, Newport - Sunshine Loop Line, looking towards Newport, GEB Sidings on the right, semaphore signal post 50 protecting down movements, V/Line broad gauge G class G 543, the last unit of Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1276 with an loaded up Apex quarry train bound for Brooklyn, trailing shot.
126-33132 viewsWallan Loop, standard gauge relief light locos on the loop, V/Line Clyde Engineering EMD G6B model Y classes Y 151 serial 67-571 and Y 102 serial 63-292 and G18B T class T 411 serial 68-627, waiting to return to Melbourne.
129-2-20132 viewsKorumburra yard overview, looking up direction towards Melbourne from the middle of the yard, tracks removed, points spiked reverse.
133-24132 viewsGheringhap, V/Line broad gauge locos C class leader C 501 'George Brown' Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-824 leads C 506 serial 76-829 and X class X 45 'Edgar H Brownbill' Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-792 with train 9169 down Adelaide goods, pausing for safeworking purposes.
147-21132 viewsSeymour loco depot, view from the back of the turntable roads, V/Line S class S 310 'George Higinbotham' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 60-227 coupled to sister A7 model S 317 just fit in the road, a CM parcel coach is on the right.
149-18132 viewsBacchus Marsh Ground Dwarf Signal 8, side view shows kerosene lamp, chains and counterweight.
131-1-16132 viewsWakool yard overview looking south towards Barnes, station building, silo complex in background, loading ramp and sheds at right.
151-04132 viewsGheringhap signal post one, down distant with motorised operator visible.
151-10132 viewsGheringhap station building overview, platform and coping, taken from site of former No.2 platform, staff exchange box visible, gypsum waggons in yard behind station building.
153-2-25132 viewsArarat loco depot, turntable and pit, track at right leads to Ararat yard, HD type sand waggon in background.
153-2-37132 viewsArarat station yard, electric dwarf signal 34.
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