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126-32127 viewsWallan Loop, standard gauge rescue locos on the loop, V/Line Clyde Engineering EMD G6B model Y classes Y 151 serial 67-571 and Y 102 serial 63-292 and G18B T class T 411 serial 68-627, waiting to return to Melbourne.

129-2-31127 viewsLeongatha station overview, looking east, stabled passenger train H set at platform, goods shed on right.

142-2-24127 viewsWodonga loco depot fuel point, V/Line broad gauge loco combination of X class X 50 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-797, X 44 serial 70-707 and T class T 369 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 64-324 wait for sign on time to run the Sunday evening 9334 up Albury steel train.

143-23127 viewsRutherglen, down 'Stringybark Express' special climbs up grade towards Wahgunyah having just past under the High St over bridge.

162-1-11127 viewsHealesville, station yard view looking south, station building and platform, yard overview, freshly repainted GY type four wheel waggon in yard.

153-1-19127 viewsBacchus Marsh turntable view through deck.

161-27127 viewsTocumwal, V/Line broad gauge KMQ type four wheel container waggon KMQ 85 with a loaded VWS type sleeper transport container VWS 014, KMQ 85 started life as a T type fixed wheel base ice refrigerated van built in January 1924 at Newport by Craig and Party, in March of 1976 it was converted to the KMQ type at Bendigo Workshops.

181-23127 viewsTraralgon yard, broad gauge V/Line VZMF type bogie ballast waggon VZMF 17 hand brake end.

119-20126 viewsSunshine, Australian National broad gauge loco BL class BL 31 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1015 and V/Line C class C 509 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-832 with down Adelaide goods train 9149, on the Independent Goods Lines, crossing the passenger lines, point machine, trailing view.

172-31126 viewsBallarat East loco depot, fuel and sanding point, V/Line broad gauge N class N 473 'City of Warragul' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1202, cab front shot.

178-21126 viewsBallarat East loco depot, former Australian Portland Cement loco, then bought by Victorian Railways and the only T class with a dynamic brake, T 413 'Wesley B. Mc Cann' Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-107, long hood view.

179-26126 viewsGheringhap, trailing view of V/Line broad gauge goods train 9169 to Adelaide behind G class G 512 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 84-1240 and C classes C 510 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-833 and C 509 serial 76-832, the line in the middle is the Ballarat Line and then closest to camera is Siding C.

130-16126 viewsRochester yard overview looking south, 223 km post.

133-26126 viewsGheringhap, V/Line broad gauge locos C class leader C 501 'George Brown' Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-824 leads C 506 serial 76-829 and X class X 45 'Edgar H Brownbill' Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-792 with train 9169 down Adelaide goods, pausing to swap the electric staff with a train order, station overview, point rodding and signal wires, semaphore signal post 4 pulled off for the Cressy line, interlocking.

132-26126 viewsMildura loco depot V/Line broad gauge X class X 32 Clyde Engineering EMD model G16C serial 66-485 and G class G 512 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 84-1240, cab side view.

140-2-22126 viewsDeer Park West, Robinsons Road grade crossing, Australian National broad gauge BL class locomotive Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS in AN livery leading a down Adelaide bound goods train.

142-1-30126 viewsBenalla yard view, stabled broad gauge Wodonga goods train 9303 with V/Line X class X 48 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-795 and T class T 408 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-624, dwarf disc signal 10, track view, B signal box, trailing view.

157-21126 viewsKilmore East, Apex Quarry Siding, V/Line broad gauge locomotives N class N 471 'City of Benalla' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1200 and T class T 390 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 65-420 with train under the loading bins during loading operations.

183-26126 viewsWodonga loco depot fuel point, V/Line broad gauge Bulldog B class locomotive B 75 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-16 still in Victorian Railways livery, side view of battery box and fuel tank.

127-37126 viewsElmore Grain Elevators Board truck inspection / sampling office.
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