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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
143-36119 viewsRutherglen, up Wahgunyah 'Stringybark Express' mixed special under the power of VR liveried broad gauge Y class Y 133 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 65-399 crosses Howlong St through the non-interlocked hand swing gates as the Williamstown and Ascom style silos stand sentinel and the signaller gives a wave.
144-37119 viewsBoort yard view, silos with loading spouts, containers on waggons, Holden HK sedan and broad gauge V/Line RT class rail tractor RT 14. RT 14 was built new by Newport Workshops June 1959.
153-3-24119 viewsGeelong station building and platform, night shot, V/Line broad gauge passenger train, down Warrnambool with A class A 70 Clyde Engineering EMD model AAT22C-2R serial 84-1187 rebuilt from B 70 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-11 pauses at platform one with N class N 467 'City of Stawell' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1196 in platform two.
159-21119 viewsBallarat D Signal Box, Linton Junction, V/Line broad gauge G class G 532 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1262 leads a sister with a down Adelaide bound goods train across Gillies Street triple doll semaphore signal post 20 is pulled off for the Ararat line as the train swings off the down line which becomes the Linton line, with the Cattle Yard line points just visible, points and track work, interlocking and point rodding.
161-36119 viewsTocumwal, mixed gauge yard overview, station building and NSWGR platform side, the track along the pole line is standard gauge while the ones in front are broad gauge, the silos are just visible on the right, looking north.
175-25118 viewsCosgrove, yard overview of Williamstown style silo complex with a steel annex beside it, mainline on the left.
180-27118 viewsWodonga loco depot fuel point, V/Line broad gauge X class X 34 Clyde Engineering EMD model G16C serial 66-487 and H class H 5 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-632 wait to run the Sunday evening up Albury slab steel train.
180-28118 viewsWodonga loco depot, turntable area finds a variety of V/Line broad gauge motive power in the form of H class H 3 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-631, X class units X 33 Clyde Engineering EMD model G16C serial 66-486 and X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 and Y class shunt loco Y 124 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-314, the electric turntable control cabin and interlocking lever and stub roads are clearly visible.
115-22118 viewsSomerton signal box, station overview, track view.
115-24118 viewsSomerton, V/Line broad gauge VMAY type bogie car carrying waggon.
133-22118 viewsGheringhap, V/Line broad gauge locos C class leader C 501 'George Brown' Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-824 leads C 506 serial 76-829 and X class X 45 'Edgar H Brownbill' Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-792 with 9169 down Adelaide goods train, pausing to swap the electric staff for a train order, point rodding, signaller talking to crew.
132-35118 viewsNunga, Victorian Oats Pool shed and Murphy silo complex, yard overview, looking north, point lever, points.
142-1-32118 viewsBenalla yard overview looking north, goods shed at left, Freightgate canopy and NSW louvre vans, disc signal post 12 with telephone box, taken between No. 5 and 6 Roads, stabled 9303 Wodonga goods at right, signal gantry in the distance, foggy.
149-21118 viewsBacchus Marsh, Dwarf Signal Post 9B, but numbered as 4B provides access to Siding 'B' the former Maddingley Brown Coal Siding across the grade crossing of Maddingley Rd.
153-2-23118 viewsBeaufort station overview, station buildings, platform, elevated signal box, goods shed at right.
154-21118 viewsLismore, V/Line broad gauge C class C 510 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-833 leads Adelaide bound goods train 9169 past the grain bunker on No.3 Rd, train is on No.2 Rd as the unattended crossing loops utilise left hand lay trailable points.
160-28118 viewsShepparton, rear view of station building and car park, HK and HQ Holdens.
161-24118 viewsTocumwal, broad gauge yard overview from station platform with sleeper transport waggons, stock yards and grain silo complex in the background.
161-31118 viewsTocumwal, broad gauge yard overview looking north from end of platform, Victorian Railways broad gauge cattle yards on the left, with the NSWGR standard gauge cattle yards in the background at left, the tracks in front of the camera are broad gauge, track behind yards is standard gauge, trans-shipping cranes in the distance, standard gauge yard in on the right in the grass.
129-1-27118 viewsLong Island yard view, looking towards steel mill.
2768 files on 139 page(s) 126

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