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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
140-2-09279 viewsWarrenheip, station overview looking south, Melbourne line curves to the left and the Geelong line to the right, the Tamper track machine is in Siding A, the points and crossing lead to Siding B, signal box, staff exchange platform, notice how high the semaphore signal posts are.
112-06279 viewsViolet Town broad gauge track view looking north, station overview, staff exchange cabin and cover for ground apparatus, cabin used when signal box is switched out, searchlight signal post 7, station building and signal bay, semaphore signal post 9 on platform, March 1994.
102-18278 viewsHattah Lakes view of lake.
105-19278 viewsWallan, station platform 2 waiting room, south end wall elevation.
162-3-03277 viewsMelbourne Yard, a pair of V/Line broad gauge diesel electric locomotives, C classes C 507 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-830 and C 501 'George Brown' serial 76-824 lead a display of waggons reaching back to No.10 Goods Shed at the PTC Open Day, Melbourne skyline in the background.
112-07277 viewsViolet Town station building, signal bay and platform overview, semaphore signal post 9 on platform, looking north from No.3 Road, March 1994.
108-02276 viewsMurchison East silo complex, detail photos Ascom Jumbo silo rail outflow spout, front elevation.
148-10276 viewsWangaratta, V/Line rail tractor RT 5 and VLBY type louvre van VLBY 148 on No.5 Rd, goods shed behind and point rodding in foreground, cover for automatic electric staff exchanger visible. RT 5 built new by Newport Workshops September 1957. The VLBY which is the Wangaratta parcels waggon started out being built by Newport Workshops October 1956 as a VP type VP 148, in May 1979 re-coded to VLPY, re-coded again in 1982 to VLBY.
178-16275 viewsArarat, track view looking east as V/Line broad gauge goods train 9169 to Adelaide powers up along the mainline off the Portland line under the signal gantry with semaphore signal post 4 pulled off behind Australian National BL class locomotives BL 27 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1011 and class leader BL 26 'Bob Hawke' serial 83-1010 and V/Line S class S 313 'Alfred Deakin' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 61-230 and X class X 53 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-800, taken from the former Works and Cattle Sidings area, the Aradale Asylum is in the background.
108-11275 viewsMurchison East silo complex, detail photos of early Ascom style silo, elevator tower.
112-14275 viewsNorth Geelong yard, broad gauge V/Line G class G 534 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1264 front view, grain train.
WTT Addenda 1978-09-07275 viewsWorking Time-Table Addenda 1978, complete 119 page PDF download, 7.2 MB.
108-06274 viewsMurchison East Ascom Jumbo silo complex, around the curve north of the station, shows the grain loading siding, No.2 Rd and the main on the right.
108-03273 viewsMurchison East silo complex, detail photos Ascom Jumbo silo rail outflow spout, left side elevation.
108-13273 viewsMurchison East looking towards Melbourne, yard and station overview, gravity track on the left, station platform on the right, Murphy silo and horizontal grain bunker at left.
103-37272 viewsSeymour loco depot, V/Line broad gauge RT class rail tractor RT 15 and DRC class Tulloch built DRC 42 diesel railcar.
107-16272 viewsEchuca station yard overview, train examiners siding and brake pit, former B type fixed wheel louvre van B 10 grounded, looking south, converted from an 1924 era I type open waggon I 15052, converted to HD in November 1958 and in June 1989 placed here.
112-03272 viewsViolet Town broad gauge track view, looking north, double compound points, Siding A is removed, Siding B bottom left running behind lens, station in background, March 1994.
105-21271 viewsWallan, station platform 2 waiting room, window detail with you know who…….'there's a Toad in there'.
WTT Nor East 1984-05-20 - reprint271 viewsWorking Time-Table North-Eastern District, 20th May 1984, Passenger Reprint Pages, complete 23 page PDF download, 3.4 MB.
2768 files on 139 page(s) 16

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