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168-14192 viewsBank Box Loop, broad gauge V/Line G class units G 515 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1243 leads G 529 serial 88-1259 with an Adelaide bound freighter.
128-00192 viewsBallarat yard, broad gauge V/Line VZBF type bogie brake block transport waggon VZBF 2, a 1990 conversion from what was originally an Victorian Railways BP type steel mail van BP 77 built in 1959 at Newport Workshops as part of a batch of eighty three. It went on to be recoded to BB 222 in December 1960, then BMF 2 in December 1961, BMX 2 in February 1968, recoded to VBAX in 1979, then in 1990 converted to the VZBF along with two other waggons as a group of three.
107-23192 viewsEchuca yard view, Sidings A, broad gauge V/Line Grain VHHF type bogie grain waggon VHHF 876, hand brake end detail view.
129-3-13192 viewsBarry Beach Junction track view, 190 km, road crossing, Welshpool - Yarram curves to the left, Barry Beach to the right.
129-3-17192 viewsWarragul broad gauge V/Line down pass N class N 453 'City of Albury' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1221, A classes A 62 Clyde Engineering EMD model AAT22C-2R serial 84-1183 rebuilt from B 62 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-3 and A 66 serial 84-1186 rebuilt from B 66 serial ML2-7, N set N 12.
137-1-10192 viewsEuroa station yard overview looking north, down home lattice semaphore signal posts 4 and 5 with up home post 6 in the background, Road No.4 joining No.3 on the left, with double compound points to No.2 Rd (mainline), with No.1 Rd on the right with point rodding along side it, the standard gauge line on the far right.
138-07192 viewsBendigo yard, VZWA class bogie wheel set transporting waggon VZWA 7 loaded with wheel sets. Started life built new at Newport Workshops as E class bogie open waggon E 193 in July 1928, converted to S, back to E, then in 1980 converted to VOAA at Bendigo Workshops, then August 1984 converted to HR 7 (2nd) at Bendigo before reclassifying to VZWA.
152-07192 viewsMorwell station yard, V/Line broad gauge VLCX type bogie louvre van VLCX 33 sits in the yard. VLCX was built by Newport Workshops September 1962 as a VLF type, in June 1979 recoded to VLCX.
105-36191 viewsSeymour loco depot turntable roads, broad gauge 2nd series Victorian Railways T class T 357 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 61-242 under SRHC ownership.
116-03191 viewsSpencer Street Station, view looking south from flyover with Motorail waggon on 'The Overland' at platform No.2, with stabled diesel electric rail motors, or DERMs 55 RM and 54 RM, with H set SH 29, overlooking the Melbourne Yard, West Tower is visible to the right.
120-10191 viewsSeymour loco depot, V/Line standard gauge T class T 411 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-627, elevated view.
122-05191 viewsTraralgon loco depot, track to loco spiked normal, baulks on track, looking east.
166-02191 viewsWodonga, V/Line broad gauge N class N 457 'City of Mildura' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1225 surrenders the electric staff to the signaller at A box with the down Albury passenger train as it runs into No.1 Rd, framed between semaphore signal post 19 and semaphore signal post 10B pulled off on the gantry.
162-2-17191 viewsSouth Dynon Motive Power Depot, V/Line broad gauge rebuilt diesel electric Bulldog locomotive A class A 81 Clyde Engineering EMD model AAT22C-2R serial 85-1189 rebuilt from B class B 81 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-22, PTC Open Day.
128-13191 viewsBallarat Station, Lydiard St or B signal box, view across Lydiard Street grade crossing, interlocked gates, signal gantry with semaphore signal posts 26 to 29, looking east, V/Line N class N 464 'City of Geelong' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1193 at station, station building and canopy, point rodding under road.
123-2-08191 viewsMaffra yard overview, looking towards brick sheds, Sidings A, Milk Co-Op buildings.
124-07191 viewsSunshine V/Line broad gauge down passenger being lead by T class T 383 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 64-338 and failed P class P 20 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18HBR serial 84-1213 rebuilt from T 337 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-112, P class supplying HEP only and H set.
141-1-06191 viewsSunshine, broad gauge down Adelaide goods train behind Australian National BL class BL 33 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1017 and V/Line G class G 515 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1243 pass platform No.3 as its consist crosses over the passenger lines from the Independent Through Lines heading the main western line, station platform, semaphore and disc signal posts, points, point rodding, looking east, Newport Loop Line on the right, GEB silo complex.
142-2-13191 viewsWodonga loco depot, turntable roads, broad gauge V/Line X class loco X 53 with serial 75-800 a Clyde Engineering Rosewater SA built EMD model G26C rests between jobs at the turntable, goods shed at right, long end view.
110-29191 viewsSeymour station platform one, V/Line broad gauge A class A 66 Clyde Engineering EMD model AAT22C-2R serial 84-1186 rebuilt from B 66 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-7 leads the up Albury passenger train 83##.
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