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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
133-14178 viewsNorth Geelong, V/Line broad gauge G class locos G 524 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1237 and G 528 serial 88-1258 work a loaded grain train under the Geelong running lines bound for the grain loop, the track at left is the derelict connection to Geelong Yard, and the track at right is the grain loop departure road.
133-18178 viewsGheringhap station building, V/Line broad gauge grain train 9121 heading to Ballarat and beyond, G class G 529 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1259 and G 511 serial 84-1239 pause to exchange electric staves, safeworking, from former No.2 platform.
143-01178 viewsWangaratta station yard overview looking south from footbridge, the broad gauge down Wahgunyah Special mixed train 'Stringybark Express' arrives and the signal man swaps electric staffs with the crew, the 18th century infrastructure clearly on display here, semaphore signal Post 20 is pulled off for departure, station building and platform, elevated signal box, signal posts and interlocking, goods shed and water tower.
149-19178 viewsBacchus Marsh station yard overview with stabled passenger sets looking down mainline towards Melbourne.
181-15178 viewsTraralgon loco depot, V/Line broad gauge loco G class G 515 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1243, cab front view.
114-27178 viewsBenalla B signal box, track side front elevation view.
129-1-03178 viewsNar Nar Goon, 4D (Double Deck Development and Demonstration), double deck suburban electric set, testing phase. The set was built by Goninan NSW in December 1991 as a 'Tamgara' model.
129-1-37178 viewsKoo Wee Rup station overview, shows removed track, looking in the up direction towards Melbourne, goods shed fenced off, gangers trolley shed at left in front of station building and platform. Location is here.
184-17178 viewsAlbury station broad gauge platform, V/Line N class locomotive N 474 'City of Traralgon' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1203.
185-15178 viewsNorth Geelong Yard, V/Line grain loop shunt engines X class locomotive X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 long end leading and G class locomotive G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 stand in the yard awaiting the road to the arrivals to collect another loaded grain consist.
120-17177 viewsBenalla yard, V/Line broad gauge loco X class X 43 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-706, stabled down empty steel train, rationalisation has started, goods shed at right.
172-13177 viewsBungaree Loop, broad gauge V/Line C classes C 502 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-825, C 506 serial 76-829 and C 509 serial 76-832, up Adelaide goods train 9150, trailing shot.
172-14177 viewsBallarat yard, broad gauge V/Line Plasser track recording vehicle EM100.
177-01177 viewsTottenham Yard, side view of broad gauge Australian National AQDW type jumbo container waggon AQDW 4, loaded with two 2 TEU (two twenty foot equivalent unit) TNT containers, these waggons are 80 feet long.
163-12177 viewsSeymour loco depot, V/Line broad gauge third series X class X 48 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-795, cab side detail view, the wind deflector is clearly evident in this shot.
106-35177 viewsNagambie, track view across at Murphy silo complex, rail loading spout.
107-24177 viewsEchuca yard view, Sidings A, broad gauge V/Line Grain VHHF type bogie grain waggon VHHF 876, roof detail view.
107-27177 viewsEchuca station yard overview, looking north from Sidings A, Freightgate canopy, yard crane. goods shed, station building, water tower and loco shed.
123-2-10177 viewsMaffra yard overview, Sidings A, Milk Co-op buildings.
129-3-15177 viewsWelshpool yard overview, looking west from baulks at Yarram end of yard.
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