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141-2-13173 viewsSunshine, broad gauge V/Line Tulloch Ltd DRC class diesel rail car and MTH class trailer carriage arrive at platform No.3 past semaphore and disc signal post 33 with a Bacchus Marsh bound down passenger service, looking east, point rodding, former goods yard.
142-2-05173 viewsBarnawartha, V/Line broad gauge VZDY type bogie departmental waggon VZDY 25 'Cyclic Gang No. 1'. Built at Bendigo Workshops in June 1972 as a ZF type van, converted in December 1984 to VZDY.
143-10173 viewsWangaratta, down Wahgunyah Special 'Stringybark Express' mixed train with WT class four wheel water tank waggon WT 236, L class four wheel sheep waggon and U class four wheel louvre van. WT 236 was converted from Newport Workshops built OT 39 by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in November 1962. OT 39 was originally built in April 1926.
143-12173 viewsSpringhurst station yard overview with semaphore signal Post 4 pulled for the Wahgunyah line as broad gauge VR liveried Y class Y 133 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 65-399 slows to exchange the electric staff for the ordinary staff with the down broad gauge 'Stringybark Express' mixed special, station building with signaller at staff exchange platform, Murphy silo complex and Victorian Oats Pool shed on the right.
150-01173 viewsTottenham yard, V/Line broad gauge C class locos C 506 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-829 and C 510 serial 76-833 prepare their Adelaide bound goods train 9169 in rain as departure time approaches.
101-28173 viewsLitchfield location sign.
153-2-15173 viewsBallarat station yard, broad gauge V/Line Grain VHGF type bogie grain hopper waggon VHGF 416 originally built by V/Line's Ballarat North Workshops in November 1984 as VHGY type and recoded in 1988 to VHGF, view from handbrake end, double disc signal mast behind, catch point interlocking and rodding in foreground.
157-01173 viewsGheringhap, station view looking east from former up platform, V/Line broad gauge A class A 77 Clyde Engineering EMD model AAT22C-2R serial 83-1181 rebuilt from B 77 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-18 leads the up Ararat to Melbourne via Nth Geelong passenger train, as the signaller prepares to swap electric staves with the crew, a down grain train 9121 sits in Siding A, station platform, point rodding and semaphore signals.
157-10173 viewsKilmore East, Apex Quarry Siding, V/Line broad gauge locomotives N class N 471 'City of Benalla' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1200 and T class T 390 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 65-420 prepare to couple back onto their train having competed the run round.
160-08173 viewsMurchison East, station platform view of down Cobram passenger train pausing for platform duties behind V/Line broad gauge N class locomotive N 465 'City of Ballaarat' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1194 with N set, super phosphate shed at left of image.
139-19173 viewsBallarat, Australian National broad gauge BL class BL 32 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1016 leading a down Adelaide goods pauses at Ballarat station under the canopy and clock tower, view of Lydiard Street Ballarat B signal box, interlocked gates and semaphore signal gantry, with triple track to double track junction, point rodding, interlocking and point indicator.
184-05173 viewsAlbury station yard, broad gauge road on the west side of the yard, through standard gauge running lines on the right, roof detail of V/Line VTQF type bogie fuel tank waggons VTQF 120 and VTQF 122, goods shed behind, standard gauge track on right, on the left it used to have a broad gauge connection. Both waggons built new at Newport Workshops as OT type tank waggons in May and March 1929, both to TWF in October 1961, then 120 recoded to VTQY in September 1979 and 122 to VTQY in April 1980, then in 1987/88 VTQY were recoded to VTQF.
189-22173 viewsAlbury, NSWSRA standard gauge loco depot fuel point see aging ALCo 48 class member 4843 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84133 and 81 class 8148 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 84-1067 both in candy livery.
120-06172 viewsSeymour loco depot, V/Line broad gauge S class S 317 'Sir John Monash' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 61-240, pilot detail shot, No.2 end.
121-11172 viewsAlbury loco depot, V/Line standard gauge G class G 522 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1235, cab front view.
175-16172 viewsShepparton, rail served industry, Australian Cement, waggon unloading area, elevation of storage silos and structure arrangement, with brick control building, pallet stacks.
166-07172 viewsAlbury loco depot fuel point, NSWSRA standard gauge 81 class locomotive 8175 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1094, cab front view in Freight Rail livery.
162-2-11172 viewsSouth Dynon Motive Power Depot, standard gauge turntable, radial roads and pit, V/Line locomotives X class X 37 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-700 and C class C 504 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-827, cab front and long hood views, PTC Open Day.
115-15172 viewsSomerton, Steamrail broad gauge K class K 153 Victorian Railways built Consolidation model 2-8-0 steam locomotive on the Upfield line surrenders the ordinary train staff to the female signaller with an enthusiasts special, near platform is for the standard gauge line, staff exchange, Steamrail special, looking across the North East running lines.
129-2-07172 viewsLang Lang station yard overview, looking in the down direction towards Nyora from Melbourne end of yard, points and points and signal levers with interlocking, semaphore signal post, goods shed and station in the background.
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