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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
129-3-02172 viewsFoster track view, looking towards Melbourne, turntable road at left.
131-2-15172 viewsCaldwell track view, rice storage sheds, Ascom silo complex in the background, points and point lever, loading spouts.
137-1-08172 viewsSeymour loco depot fuel point, broad gauge V/Line DRC class diesel rail car DRC 41 built in November 1971 by Tulloch Ltd pulls out of the fuel point after a drink and a wash.
141-2-11172 viewsSunshine, broad gauge V/Line P class P 18 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18HBR serial 84-1211 rebuilt from T 339 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-115 leads an H set underneath the Hampshire Road overbridge with a down Bacchus Marsh passenger train departing platform No.3 and heading west passing the back of the signal box, point rodding and signal wires, interlocking, former goods yard.
143-20172 viewsRutherglen yard overview, broad gauge VR liveried Y class Y 133 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 65-399 with the down Wahgunyah 'Stringybark Express' mixed special is framed by the Williamstown and Ascom silos on the left and the piers for the over bridge of High St as it pauses for safe working and a 'photo stop'.
146-13172 viewsSeymour station platform view, looking north, broad gauge V/Line N class N 462 'City of Shepparton' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1191 stabled in No.2 Rd awaiting the Sunday evening combined Albury - Cobram pass 8343 so it can run the Cobram pass 8345, behind it is stabled 9303 down Wodonga goods in the rationalised yard.
147-04172 viewsSeymour loco depot turntable roads, broad gauge V/Line S class S 317 'Sir John Monash' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 61-240 coupled to S 310 'George Higinbotham' serial 60-227 and standard gauge Y class leader Y 101 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-291 at right.
150-15172 viewsLismore, station yard overview looking towards Melbourne from goods loading ramp, V/Line broad gauge C classes C 506 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-829 and C 510 serial 76-833 leading Adelaide bound goods train 9169 through the trailable points onto No. 2 road, the goods loop or No. 3 road is closest to camera.
152-09172 viewsMorwell station yard, V/Line broad gauge train 9444 goods to Nth Geelong arrives into the yard from the briquette sidings behind G class G 543 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1276 and X class X 43 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-706, taken from station platform.
156-11172 viewsShepparton station yard view looking north across High Street grade crossing, dwarf signal 8 just across road, SPC Siding and building in the background, searchlight signals in the distance are up and down home signals at Fryers Road grade crossing, down home signal post 10 and up home signal post 12, point lever, electric interlocking and phone cabinet.
160-13172 viewsMooroopna, platform view of the station building, shows fire place chimney and the various service connections to the building.
182-03172 viewsWahgunyah, yard view with stockpiles of new red gum sleepers at left, an empty rake of bogie louvre vans and container waggons sits in the yard for Uncle Tobys, looking towards the terminus.
112-28172 viewsNorth Geelong grain loop, V/Line broad gauge H class H 2 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-630, front view, grain loop unloading operations.
112-31172 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, V/Line broad gauge H class locos H 2 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-630, H 5 serial 68-632 and H 4 serial 68-633 shunt empty an grain train rake back into North Geelong yard, past C Box as the driver surrenders the staff to the signaller for the Grain Loop, safeworking, point rodding.
139-13172 viewsBallarat station yard view looking east from Platform One, shows remains of the removed fourth track in foreground, K crossings still in situ, semaphore signal Posts 20, 19, 17, 21B, Post 21 behind Post 21B is pulled off a down Adelaide goods train.
184-04172 viewsAlbury station yard, broad gauge roads on the west side of the yard, through standard gauge running lines behind, V/Line VTQF type bogie fuel tank waggons VTQF 120 and VTQF 122. Both waggons built new at Newport Workshops as OT type tank waggons in May and March 1929, both to TWF in October 1961, then 120 recoded to VTQY in September 1979 and 122 to VTQY in April 1980, then in 1987/88 VTQY were recoded to VTQF.
189-35172 viewsWodonga, loco depot turntable radial roads, V/Line broad gauge 3rd series X class X 54 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-801, long hood view.
175-13171 viewsShepparton, rail served industry, Australian Cement, truck loading bay with weighbridge, block control room and ATCO ablution block.
163-16171 viewsSeymour loco depot turntable roads, V/Line broad gauge T class loco T 382 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 64-337 sits over the brake pit road couple to a Y class, turntable in the background.
108-32171 viewsKyabram, station yard overview, looking south, searchlight departure signal.
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