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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
162-2-10165 viewsSouth Dynon Motive Power Depot, standard gauge turntable, radial roads and pit, V/Line locomotives lined up are Y class Y 102 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-292, Y class leader Y 101 serial 63-291, X class X 37 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-700 and C class C 504 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-827. PTC Open Day.
163-07165 viewsSeymour station yard, stabled V/Line down broad gauge Wodonga goods train in the rationalised yard behind the classic back to back pair of streamlined Bulldogs, S classes S 311 'Sir Ferdinand von Mueller' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 60-228 with a rake of louvre vans leading, side view.
164-13165 viewsMurchison East, four broad gauge V/Line Grain VHGF type bogie grain waggons, lead by VHGF 119, built as a GJX type by Steelweld Victoria in January 1969, being loaded on the gravitational road from the Ascom silos, Murphy silos behind, workers on waggon and ground.
128-10165 viewsBallarat, Linton Junction or Ballarat D signal box, semaphore signal Post 24, Up Distant signals for D box, looking east towards Linton Junction. Left arm for Ararat Line, right arm for Linton Line.
108-29165 viewsTatura, station yard, looking north.
108-36165 viewsKyabram station yard north end, looking towards Echuca, cattle yards and ramp at right.
123-1-15165 viewsAvon River steel bridge, trestle bridge over flood plain at right, V/Line broad gauge N class N 451 'City of Portland' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1219 N set, up Bairnsdale pass, distant shot.
123-2-20165 viewsSunshine track view, Newport - Sunshine Loop Line, looking towards Sunshine, double doll semaphore signal posts 36 and pulled off semaphore signal post 49, G class arriving with an up Brooklyn bound Apex quarry train.
124-17165 viewsSunshine looking from the passenger lines across to the Independent Through Goods lines, signal post 71 at camera, disc and semaphore signal posts 31 and 31B for control of the Independent Trough Goods lines, down Adelaide broad gauge goods train waiting to cross over the passenger lines, BL classes Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1014 and BL 35 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1019 in AN livery, standard gauge Sunshine Loop to the left of train, V/Line broad gauge down passenger train with N class N 471 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1200 'City of Benalla' passing on passenger lines, Newport Loop Line and GEB sidings at far right.
129-2-09165 viewsNyora plunger locked 'C' points, Melbourne end of yard, point and signal levers with interlocking, large disc is the plunger indicator.
129-2-26165 viewsLeongatha V/Line P class P 11 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18HBR serial 84-1205 rebuilt from T 336 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-110, and H set, stabled pass.
118-04165 viewsStrathmerton station yard overview, looking north, platform, bus style waiting shelter, signal bay, people picking coal, V/Line broad gauge VOBX type bogie open waggons.
138-06165 viewsBendigo loco depot and fuel point, V/Line broad gauge X class X 50 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-797 at the service roads, cab shot.
140-1-09165 viewsBallarat A Signal Box, view of the point rodding and signal wires, good place to snap an ankle!.
143-02165 viewsWangaratta, goods area, water tower and Freight Gate canopy with V/Line bogie louvre van and silos in the distance, taken from footbridge.
147-15165 viewsSeymour loco depot, Victorian Railways liveried S class S 303 'C J Latrobe' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 57-167.
154-01165 viewsGheringhap, V/line broad gauge goods train 9169 to Adelaide, via Cressy arrives, point rodding and station platform, taken from former No.2 platform area, triple C class Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C on the lead.
156-20165 viewsWunghnu, station yard overview, looking south, mainline points to siding, lever, interlocking and point rodding for siding derail, Williamstown style silo complex with steel annex, yellow 55 km/h speed board and white cross grade crossing indicator signs.
184-11165 viewsAlbury loco depot, standard gauge V/Line G class loco G 525 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1238, point lever.
184-12165 viewsAlbury loco depot, standard gauge V/Line locos G class G 520 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1233, C class C 503 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-826 and G class G 527 serial 88-1257 await the call to duty, point levers.
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