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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
120-20163 viewsBenalla station yard, looking south from up home semaphore signal post 33, Yarrawonga line and arrival at far right.
120-37163 viewsWodonga, V/Line broad gauge loco N class N 474 'City of Traralgon' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1203, stabled near A Signal Box, under semaphore signal post 19.
121-15163 viewsAlbury loco depot, V/Line standard gauge G class G 526 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1256 front view.
170-08163 viewsSt James, track view across yard to Williamstown style silo complex, load-out spout, steel complex on the right, looking from former station platform.
175-01163 viewsShepparton, yard view with V/Line broad gauge T class locomotives T 404 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 67-499 and T 408 serial 68-624 stabled in the yard.
179-16163 viewsGheringhap, V/Line broad gauge X class locomotive X 51 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-798 has been removed from train 9169 and is running light engine to stable in Siding C, the disc for Siding C on signal post 4 can just be made out above the loco's cab, 9169 holds the mainline at the station and a rake of gypsum waggons sits in Sidings B on the right.
180-12163 viewsWangaratta, rationalised station yard overview looking south from footbridge, removed crossovers from No.2 and 3 to 4 Roads can still be seen in the dirt, also removed Siding A at left of station platform, station building, semaphore signal posts, goods shed and loading platform with slewing derrick crane.
180-17163 viewsAlbury, NSW, loco depot, V/Line standard gauge G class locomotive G 522 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1235 rests between jobs, elevated vertical view.
168-12163 viewsBank Box Loop, climbing the grade in the distance looking towards Bacchus Marsh are a pair of V/Line G class units with an Adelaide bound freighter.
163-05163 viewsSeymour station yard, stabled V/Line down broad gauge Wodonga goods train in the rationalised yard behind the classic back to back pair of streamlined Bulldogs S classes S 307 'John Pascoe Fawkner' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 57-171' and S 311 'Sir Ferdinand von Mueller' serial 60-228 with a rake of louvre vans leading.
163-13163 viewsSeymour loco depot, V/Line broad gauge locomotives third series X class X 48 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-795 and S class S 303 'C J Latrobe' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 57-167 stabled over the weekend, bogie fuel tank and ballast waggons in the background.
164-18163 viewsMurchison East, V/Line Grain VHGF type bogie grain waggon VHGF 119, built as a GJX type by Steelweld Victoria in January 1969, is loose shunted down the gravitational road loaded towards the loaded rake, rolling past the Ascom Jumbo silo complex, show non-handbrake end of waggon.
128-29163 viewsNar Nar Goon, 4D (Double Deck Development and Demonstration), double deck suburban electric set, testing phase, cab side.
108-24163 viewsTatura mainline points and interlocking, point and signal levers.
115-02163 viewsHurstbridge, old stabling sidings being removed to make new stabling yard, new fencing, timber traction poles, new sleepers and rail being placed, workers and backhoe, station in the background.
115-17163 viewsSomerton, staff exchange platforms for Ford's Siding / Upfield line, far platform for the broad gauge, with the standard gauge using the near platform, lines converge to dual gauge around curve, looking across the North East broad and standard gauge running lines.
123-2-36163 viewsBallarat station and canopy, semaphore signal gantry, Lydiard Street grade crossing, V/Line broad gauge G classes G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 and G 533 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1263 with up Adelaide goods train 9150.
125-07163 viewsSeymour loco depot, V/Line broad gauge X class Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-707, front view of No.2 end.
118-05163 viewsStrathmerton station yard overview, 50' x 20' goods shed and loading platform, bus style waiting shelter, V/Line broad gauge VOBX type bogie open waggon VOBX 68, built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops as ELF class 1963, to ELX 1965, then VOBX in 1979 and to ROBX in 1994.
132-20163 viewsMildura station yard overview, Freightgate in the background, oil pot rakes, mainline, loco depot, fuel point behind V/Line broad gauge X class X 32 Clyde Engineering EMD model G16C serial 66-485, G class G 512 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 84-1240, carriage shed, Y class Y 165 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 68-585.
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