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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
132-06160 viewsOuyen station overview, broad gauge V/Line G class G 540 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1273 with stabled up gypsum train 9138, looking south from footbridge, station building and platform, Freightgate canopy.
135-14160 viewsKilmore East Apex Quarry siding, V/Line broad gauge G class G 540 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1273 empty train 9315 climbing into siding, points, telephone cabin, point lever.
140-1-06160 viewsBallarat East signal box and Humffray St interlocked gates, looking from the loco track, disc signal post 5A and semaphore signal post 5 visible across crossing.
141-2-05160 viewsSunshine, now there's a lot going on here apart from the Broad gauge V/Line P class P 17 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18HBR serial 84-1216 rebuilt from T 327 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-78 with a four car H set on a down passenger train, we have the signals from the left, the Up Home searchlight signal post for the standard gauge Sunshine Loop, disc signal post 31 and double doll semaphore signal post 31B for the Independent Through Lines, searchlight signal post 71 which is controlling the train, the signal gantry in the left background for the standard gauge Sunshine Loop, on the right of the train semaphore signal post 49 for the Newport Loop Line, double doll semaphore signal post 36 for down trains off the Newport Loop Line and then offset semaphore signal post 50 also for down trains out of the GEB sidings.
141-2-07160 viewsSunshine, broad gauge V/Line A class A 78 Clyde Engineering EMD model AAT22C-2R serial 84-1185 rebuilt from B 78 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-19 with an N set and D van on a down Ballarat passenger train head onto No.3 Rd, point rodding.
142-2-01160 viewsWangaratta station yard overview looking north from footbridge, No.4 Rd disconnected, goods shed and platform and Freightgate canopy, water tower and crane on the left, station building and elevated signal box on the right, north end footbridge visible in the distance, point rodding running down middle of yard.
144-10160 viewsWangaratta, VR liveried broad gauge Y class Y 133 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 65-399 on the up Wahgunyah 'Stringybark Express' mixed with BCPL type bogie passenger carriage BCPL 29.
145-06160 viewsSpencer Street Station, view across to platforms 6 and 7, broad gauge V/Line N class loco N 456 'City of Colac' with serial 85-1224 a Clyde Engineering Somerton Victoria built EMD model JT22HC-2 shunts around the yard.
157-07160 viewsKilmore East, Apex Quarry Siding, empty broad gauge V/Line stone train rake is under the loading bins having just arrived, locomotives cutting off to shunt round, oversize ballast pile and 'Super Loo' on the left.
161-13160 viewsKatunga, north end of yard view with derailed V/Line broad gauge VOFX type bogie open waggon VOFX 1044 covered with tarpaulin and loaded with super phosphate, hand brake end, waggon started life built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in May 1975 as an ELX type, in 1978 to VOCX and in the 1980s to VOFX, point rodding for derail and derail visible under middle of waggon, mainline behind waggon.
183-18160 viewsBenalla station yard overview with removed rails and partially stripped signal gantry as the yard goes about being rationalised, waggon workshops visible at left, along with B Signal Box, station building, A Signal Box in the distance, goods shed and Freight Gate canopy.
129-1-17160 viewsBaxter, station yard overview, looking towards Somerville, station platform and bus type concrete shelter, signal wires visible exiting platform coping, off focus.
139-11160 viewsBallarat yard, semaphore and disc signal Post 11 with rear facing semaphore signal post 9B, the top left hand Arm is the Down Home to Post 21 for No. 1 Road and is pulled off for an arriving passenger train. Top right hard Arm is the Down Home to Post 23 for No. 3 Road, bottom right Arm Down Home to Post 20 for No. 4 Road. Discs are all From 'U', top left to Car Sidings, centre left Disc towards Post 21 for No. 1 Road, bottom left Disc towards Post 22 for No. 2 Road, top right Disc towards Post 23 for No. 3 Road, centre right Disc towards Post 20 for No. 4 Road and the right bottom Disc to No. 5, 6 or 7 Roads.
185-20160 viewsNorth Geelong C Signal Box, internal view of the miniature electric staff machine for the Gheringhap section with a staff ready in the hoop for V/Line grain train 9123 visible in the window.
WTT West 1979-10-29160 viewsWorking Time-Table Western and South Western Districts, 29th October 1979, complete 224 page PDF download, 10 MB.
119-12159 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, V/Line broad gauge G class G 540 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1273 and sister depart with down empty grain train 9125, looking across Separation Street, semaphore signal post 16, grade crossing.
120-07159 viewsSeymour loco depot, V/Line broad gauge S class S 317 'Sir John Monash' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 61-240, detail shot, lbs front bogie, staff exchanger.
172-19159 viewsBallarat yard, semaphore and disc signal posts 11 facing the camera and 9B facing away.
179-08159 viewsGheringhap station yard overview from the elevated vantage point on the Midland Highway overpass, which was bought into use in 1967, looking east, the line on the left heading under the bridge is Siding C, in the middle is the Ballarat Line and then the Maroona Line, Sidings B with gypsum waggons can been seen to the right of the station building.
180-11159 viewsWangaratta, rationalised yard view looking north from footbridge, shows steel sleepers in newly extended No.3 Road (originally Siding C) which now joins the mainline in the distance, with the relocated signal post No.23 also just visible, No.4 Road joins in from the left, which was originally 5 Road but 4 Road was also removed along with the sidings that used to be on the left of the image..
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