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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
125-09156 viewsSeymour, standard gauge mainline, ballast regulator working past loco depot.
127-11156 viewsWodonga yard broad gauge V/Line A class A 70 Clyde Engineering EMD model AAT22C-2R serial 84-1187 rebuilt from B 70 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-11, stabled near B Box, front view.
129-2-16156 viewsKorumburra yard overview, looking down direction on No. 2 Road, No 1 Road on the left with loco tracks branching off mainline curving towards the bridge in the distance.
131-2-04156 viewsBurraboi road junction sign.
131-2-06156 viewsBurraboi NSW Rice Industry sign for Burraboi Depot, 49 kilotonne facility.
131-2-08156 viewsMoulamein, broad gauge V/Line Grain bogie grain waggons, Ascom silo complex, looking south.
138-09156 viewsBendigo yard, HZL class four wheel, wheel set waggon HZL 212, stencilled 'Motor Bogie Transportation Bendigo Nth'. This waggon has an interesting history, built new in June 1919 as six wheel U class van U 989, converted to HR class HR 78 (2nd) in 1979, then to HZL class in 1985.
140-1-18156 viewsBallarat B Signal Box at Lydiard St, view of the signal wires and point rodding underneath the signal box, the chain on the left is for the interlocked gates.
142-2-17156 viewsWodonga yard, NSWSRA container waggon NQOX type 60 foot bogie container flat with two 20 foot NYK reefer containers on broad gauge bogies.
142-3-17156 viewsAlbury south yard, V/Line broad gauge locos X classes, X 50 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-797 and X 44 serial 70-707 and T class T 369 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 64-324 are on the point of up Albury steel train 9334, awaiting departure time, trailing view.
144-14156 viewsWangaratta station yard view, VR liveried broad gauge Y class Y 133 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 65-399 leads the Wahgunyah 'Stringybark Express' mixed special south bound for Benalla under the signal gantry with semaphore signal Post 9 arm Up Home Signal 'A' to Main Line to Post 1 pulled off for the move.
146-03156 viewsSeymour loco depot, broad gauge V/Line B class B 80 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-21 cab door detail.
146-10156 viewsSeymour, rationalised broad gauge yard, V/Line VPCX type bogie pneumatic three cell cement hopper VPCX 28. Built new as JX type February 1966 at Newport Workshops, recoded to VPCX in October 1979.
148-06156 viewsWangaratta, semaphore and disc bracket signal post 23, Up Home and Calling-on signals, disc shunting signals, rear view taken from footbridge, No.3, 4 and 5 Rd extensions in the background.
148-09156 viewsWangaratta, V/Line rail tractor RT 5 and VLBY type louvre van VLBY 148 on No.5 Rd, side view. RT 5 built new by Newport Workshops September 1957. The VLBY which is the Wangaratta parcels waggon started out being built by Newport Workshops October 1956 as a VP type VP 148, in May 1979 re-coded to VLPY, re-coded again in 1982 to VLBY.
150-10156 viewsGheringhap, broad gauge V/Line C class locos C 506 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-829 and C 510 serial 76-833 lead down Adelaide goods train 9169 onto the Maroona line past semaphore signal post No.4, point rodding and signal wires in foreground.
152-19156 viewsSomerville station, broad gauge V/Line T class T 402 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 67-497 with two MTH class passenger carriages on a down Stony Point pass exchanges electric staves with the signaller.
154-25156 viewsLismore, view from station veranda, three Australian National broad gauge AHLX type bogie louvre vans in AN colours and an ANR louvre van on the rear of Adelaide bound goods train 9169.
156-03156 viewsBank Box Loop, broad gauge V/Line N class N 471 'City of Benalla' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1200 and N set N 14 with an up Dimboola passenger train.
156-17156 viewsShepparton station, former car dock, now Train Examiners Siding, track realigned away from platform, VOCX type bogie open waggon, grounded B vans used as examiners workshop and storage, station building behind.
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