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132-05151 viewsOuyen station overview, broad gauge V/Line G class G 540 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1273 with stabled up gypsum train 9138, looking south from footbridge, station building and platform, Freightgate canopy.

131-2-02151 viewsBurraboi rice storage complex, looking south from middle of yard, Mallee style staff shed.

135-21151 viewsKilmore East Apex Quarry siding, V/Line broad gauge G class G 540 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1273 on the front of the stone train as it is loaded by the front-end wheel loader.

136-14151 viewsDeniliquin yard view, north end, note baulks on tracks, turntable across road in background, super phosphate shed.

142-1-24151 viewsBenalla yard view, stabled broad gauge Wodonga goods train 9303 with V/Line X class X 48 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-795 and T class T 408 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-624, dwarf disc signal 13 and point indicator, track view, point rodding.

144-02151 viewsSpringhurst yard view looking north, up Wahgunyah 'Stringybark Express' mixed special hauled by broad gauge VR liveried Y class Y 133 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 65-399 on the Wahgunyah awaits line clear into the yard at semaphore signal Post 6, the Up Home Wahgunyah Line, the other signals are disc Post 5 from Siding A and on the right is semaphore signal Post 8 the Up Home Wodonga Line, the embankment at the far right is the standard gauge flyover.

144-09151 viewsWangaratta yard view, Victorian Railways liveried broad gauge Y class Y 133 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 65-399 holds the up Wahgunyah mixed special the 'Stringybark Express' in No. 2 Rd while V/Line rail tractor RT class RT 5 looks on from No. 5 Rd. The water tank in the background is the town water supply, the railways tank is just visible on the left edge of shot.

144-11151 viewsWangaratta, signal gantry with semaphore and disc signal Posts 7, 8, 9 and stripped disc Post 10. Post 7 top arm Home Signal 'A' to No. 2 Road to Post 17, bottom arm Calling-on Signal from 'A' to No. 2 Rd towards Post 17, left hand Disc 'A' to No. 4 or 5 Roads towards Post 17; or to No. 6 Rd, right hand Disc 'A' to No. 3 Rd towards Post 17. Post 8 top arm Home Signal 'A' to No. 1 Rd towards Post 20, bottom arm Calling-on Signal 'A' to Main Line to Post 1, Disc 'A' to Carriage Dock. Post 9 arm Up Home Signal 'A' to Main Line to Post 1, removed Disc was for access to cattle sidings. And stripped Disc Post 10 was for movements from Siding F to No. 1 Rd or the the Carriage Dock.

149-05151 viewsRockbank, view of cantilevered signal post with searchlight signals 12 (No. 2 Road) and 10 (No. 1 Road) Up Home Signals, train control telephone booth and wire stays in foreground.

131-1-06151 viewsEchuca yard, broad gauge V/Line X class leader X 31 Clyde Engineering EMD model G16C serial 66-484.

153-2-18151 viewsBallarat station yard, weighbridge scale hut, point rodding out of hut is for selecting the points at each end of the weighbridge for either the fixed track or weigh track, V/Line bogie grain waggons.

158-01151 viewsHealesville, Yarra Valley Tourist Railway operations, overgrown yard view looking towards Yarra Glen, train on approach.

160-05151 viewsHealesville, station yard, building and platform, Yarra Valley Tourist Railway broad gauge loco Flat Top T class T 341 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-120 stand at the platform with a four wheel G type open waggon, a four wheel HD type van and a bogie ZLP type guards van.

160-14151 viewsMooroopna, view from station platform looking towards Melbourne, station building and platform trolley at left, Ardmona Canned Fruit loading sidings at right, on the left beyond the station building is the hard stand area for the mobile gang camp, with caravan type plugs and permanent ablution block.

161-01151 viewsNumurkah, station yard overview looking south towards Melbourne from footbridge, brick station building and platform, curved roof goods shed and platform at left, redundant semaphore signal post 3 visible beyond platform, track gang work compound.

161-07151 viewsNumurkah, yard view looking south from turntable track, open deck and pit with locking lever, ash pit visible along with steam era water stand pipe on No.1 Rd, Williamstown style silo complex on the left with goods shed obscured by tree, HK Holden sedan, station building and steel lattice footbridge in the middle of frame.

161-19151 viewsCobram, station yard overview looking south from the platform, searchlight signal post and grade crossing with speed board and indicator, corrugated iron shed, V/Line broad gauge D type bogie louvre van in yard having being shunted off an earlier down passenger train.

181-04151 viewsTrafalgar yard, loading platform and goods shed, point lever and locking bar just visible on edge of frame.

181-16151 viewsTraralgon loco depot, V/Line broad gauge loco G class G 515 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1243, detail view of pilot, couple, hoses and MU arrangement, front view.

181-25151 viewsTraralgon station yard overview looking towards Traralgon from semaphore signal post 1 down home, 6 road yard can still be made out, Sidings C are extreme right.
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