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117-17151 viewsBenalla, stored broad gauge Q type bogie flat waggon 124 Q with plate frame bogies. Built at Newport Workshops January 1926, moved off register February 1979.

189-33151 viewsWodonga, loco depot turntable radial roads, V/Line broad gauge locos lined up, 2nd series X class X 38 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-701 and 3rd series X class X 54 serial 75-801 with Y class Y 119 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-309, all long hood facing camera.

191-12151 viewsSeymour station, rationalised yard, V/Line broad gauge B class B 65 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial no. ML2-6 still in Victorian Railways livery on the head of a sleeper discharge train stabled in the yard.

191-19151 viewsKilmore East station environs, looking south, Signal Post 5 Up Home, UP special sleeper discharge train heading south with Signal Post 2 Up Starting visible in the distance, Down Refuge Siding on the right with Signal Post 4.

119-09150 viewsNorth Geelong yard, V/Line broad gauge locos G class G 540 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1273 and another G class waiting for shunters to couple up to empty grain rake to form down grain train 9125, ground dwarf signal 20.

119-11150 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, V/Line broad gauge G classes G 540 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1273 and sister depart with down empty grain train 9125, looking across Separation Street, semaphore signal post 16 is pulled off for move, grade crossing, 2nd person climbing aboard with staff.

119-16150 viewsSunshine, looking towards Tottenham, broad gauge down goods train 9149 is passed by down standard gauge goods train, V/Line G class locos, looking across all tracks.

119-30150 viewsBacchus Marsh, Australian National broad gauge locos BL class BL 29 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1013 and 700 class 703 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL500G serial G6059-1 with down Adelaide goods train 9145 power past the stabled passenger commuter carriage sets as they prepare to climb Islington Bank, semaphore signal post 7 is pulled off for move, signal post 10B is for moves from the former brown coal loading facility at Maddingley Brown Coal sidings.

169-37150 viewsSeymour, V/Line broad gauge VZSX type bogie sleeper container transport waggon VZSX 106 with loaded VWS type sleeper containers VWS 001 and VWS 053. VZSX should be converted from Bendigo Workshops 1964/68 build of VLF / VLX type louvre vans, recoded to VLCX in 1979. No details of the mods to VZSX.

172-10150 viewsBungaree Loop, broad gauge V/Line N class N 453 'City of Albury' a Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1221 and N set, Down passenger train.

172-15150 viewsBallarat yard view, disc signal post 14, looking towards station, Ballarat A signal box at left.

173-07150 viewsMurchison East, yard view from station platform looking at V/Line broad gauge track machines, a Plasser track tamper, Tamper sleeper consolidator and a Tamper ballast regulator, the Railway Hotel in the distance.

176-09150 viewsWodonga, V/Line standard gauge up goods train passing the Wodonga Coal Sidings behind the G class G 524 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1237 and C class C 505 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-828 combination, broad gauge track on the left, and the former broad gauge line to Bandiana and Cudgewa curving around to the right.

177-10150 viewsNewport station and yard overview taken from the workshops roads, Williamstown lines are at the right, I'm standing at the Newport Workshops No.1 and No.2 double track junction, the lines to Geelong are on the left beyond the white gate, a Comeng electric set is at the platform with the overbridge carrying Melbourne Road.

163-20150 viewsAvenal station yard looking south along No.3 Road, with Siding A and new points and indicator to mainline, this used to be a double compound point, semaphore signal post 6 for up trains and down facing signals still intact, standard gauge line is at the far left, the three disc signals in the distance, 3, 4 and 5 control movements along Siding A and the grade crossing.

125-02150 viewsBallan station overview, looking toward Melbourne from up end points, signal gantry, road set for down pass.

130-04150 viewsElmore yard view, looking south, shows gravity roads for grain loading, grain waggon in distance, points and lever.

133-10150 viewsNorth Geelong grain loop, empty train being worked back to North Geelong C by V/Line broad gauge G class locos G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 and G 524 serial 86-1237, grain train, taken from Corio Quay Rd, trailing shot.

136-08150 viewsMathoura looking north, end of yard, very dark.

140-1-20150 viewsBallarat B Signal Box, at Lydiard Street rear elevation view.
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