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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
142-1-24150 viewsBenalla yard view, stabled broad gauge Wodonga goods train 9303 with V/Line X class X 48 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-795 and T class T 408 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-624, dwarf disc signal 13 and point indicator, track view, point rodding.
144-03150 viewsSpringhurst yard view looking north, up Wahgunyah 'Stringybark Express' mixed special hauled by broad gauge VR liveried Y class Y 133 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 65-399 on the Wahgunyah line pulls forward into Springhurst at semaphore signal Post 6, the Up Home Wahgunyah Line to No. 2 Rd to Post 3, the other signals are disc Post 5 from Siding A to No. 2, 3, 4 or 5 Roads and on the right is semaphore signal Post 8 the Up Home Wodonga Line, the embankment at the far right is the standard gauge flyover.
144-07150 viewsSpringhurst station yard overview, silos and road at left, standard gauge is the elevated track on the right, semaphore signal Post 3 Up Homes at stop.
149-11150 viewsBacchus Marsh down home signal post 2, with the signal pulled off for No.1 Rd or the platform road for a down Ballarat passenger train, gangers trolley shed is behind post and goods shed and stabled passenger sets in the background.
162-1-05150 viewsHealesville, front view elevation of goods shed with fenced off compound with track machines, yard tracks in foreground.
151-05150 viewsGheringhap, broad gauge V/Line VOJF type bogie open gypsum waggon VOJF 24 in B Sidings awaiting unloading. The VOJF type waggons were conversions from ELF/ELX types, not much more is known on the histories.
153-1-08150 viewsBallan yard view looking towards Ballarat, signal gantry with semaphore post 6 for mainline moves, semaphore signal post 5 for the goods loop and semaphore signal post 7 up home, colour light signal post 10 in the distance.
153-2-05150 viewsBank Box Loop, detail view of signal gantry footings, electrical cable ducts, insulated train joins, mainline closest to camera.
153-3-30150 viewsGeelong loco depot, stabled V/Line broad gauge locomotive X class X 46 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-793, night shot.
154-10150 viewsLismore, V/Line broad gauge C class locomotives C 510 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-833, C 508 serial 76-831 and C class leader C 501 'George Brown' serial 76-824 cross Gnarpurt Road with Adelaide bound goods train 9169.
183-06150 viewsRockbank, an Adelaide bound down broad gauge goods train behind Australian National BL class BL 31 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1015 and 700 class 705 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL500G serial G6059-3 at the grade crossing for Station Road.
183-11150 viewsSeymour loco depot, broad gauge V/Line B class locomotive B 64 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-5.
181-07150 viewsTrafalgar yard east end looking east, searchlight signal posts 20 for movements out of the yard and 22 for the mainline, Siding A at left and catch point from yard to main visible beyond the train control telephone box.
181-21150 viewsTraralgon yard, broad gauge V/Line VFNX type bogie roll paper waggon with tarpaulin VFNX 5 hand brake end, originally built new May 1979 by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops.
112-22150 viewsNorth Geelong grain loop, V/Line broad gauge locos H class H 2 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-630, H 5 serial 68-632 and H 4 serial 68-633 shunt around the grain loop unloading a grain train.
WTT Combined Regions General-Instructions 1986-11-11 150 viewsGeneral Instructions for the Combined Regions working timetable 11th November 1986.
Complete 154 pages, 15.5 MB download.
119-32149 viewsIslington Bank, Dog Trap Gully Road bridge, Australian National broad gauge locos BL class BL 29 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1013 and 700 class 703 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL500G serial G6059-1 with down Adelaide goods train 9145, climbing Islington Bank, elevated view.
169-34149 viewsSeymour, station yard view, V/Line broad gauge locomotive X class X 38 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-701 stabled for the Sunday night down Cobram service.
173-11149 viewsMurchison East, station platform, staff exchange box and staff storage box for when station is unattended, fitted to the side of the station building.
173-13149 viewsMurchison East, station building and platform view looking towards Melbourne, staff exchange box is visible on the wall.
2768 files on 139 page(s) 93

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