Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums |

162-1-09149 viewsHealesville, Victorian Railways 20 ft N 20 goods shed, detail view of underside of roof from southern side.

151-17149 viewsGheringhap, broad gauge V/Line Adelaide bound goods train 9169 on No.1 Road under the power of G class G 531 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1261, C class C 510 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-833 and C 509 serial 76-832 on the Maroona line, point rodding and signal wires in foreground, trailing view.

153-2-11149 viewsBallarat East loco depot turntable, shows interlocking and walkway.

153-2-19149 viewsTrawalla station and signal box front elevation from track side, shows signal wires and rodding leaving platform, electric staff auto exchange apparatus set up with staff.

153-3-02149 viewsMaroona, station platform and building, signal levers, 232 km post, looking towards Portland.

154-05149 viewsGheringhap station yard overview, station building, shed, VOJF type bogie gypsum waggons, V/Line broad gauge goods train 9169 to Adelaide, via Cressy prepares to depart behind triple C class locomotives C 510 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-833, C 508 serial 76-831 and C class leader C 501 'George Brown' serial 76-824.

154-09149 viewsLismore, track view looking back towards Geelong, V/Line broad gauge goods train 9169 on the curve behind triple C class locomotives Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C, looking across Gnarpurt Road crossing.

155-22149 viewsMelbourne Yard, derailed broad gauge Australian National 930 class 934 built in 1956 by AE Goodwin as ALCo model DL500B serial 81889 in AN livery, side view.

157-02149 viewsGheringhap, station view looking east from former up platform, V/Line broad gauge A class A 77 Clyde Engineering EMD model AAT22C-2R serial 83-1181 rebuilt from B 77 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-18 leads the up Ararat to Melbourne via Nth Geelong passenger train with a three car N set, along the mainline heading now for North Geelong, a down grain train 9121 sits in Siding A, station platform, point rodding and semaphore signals.

159-13149 viewsLismore, distant view across Gnarpurt Road grade crossing of Australian National broad gauge BL class BL 27 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1011 leading a sister BL class and V/Line S and X class locomotives with down goods train 9169 as it runs round the curves on their way to Adelaide.

161-04149 viewsNumurkah, yard view of goods shed with curved roof and goods loading platform, steel lattice footbridge at end of platform, white build at far right is the road vehicle weighbridge scale room.

183-10149 viewsSeymour loco depot, broad gauge V/Line B class locomotive B 64 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-5, cab front view.

182-16149 viewsMurchison, derelict station site looking along mainline with super phosphate shed and horizontal GEB H style grain bunker on the left, gangers shed visible behind tree on the right.

185-03149 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals, V/Line X class locomotive X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 long end leading prepares a loaded grain rake bound for the grain loop unloader, ground dwarf disc signal 14, with another loaded grain on the left.

191-15149 viewsDysart, near School House Lane, V/Line broad gauge B class B 65 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial no. ML2-6 still in Victorian Railways livery speeds past with an UP special sleeper discharge train on a Sunday.

121-18148 viewsChiltern station building, brick lamp room?

176-04148 viewsYarrawonga station yard overview, looking south, Grain Elevators Board H style horizontal storage bunker at left, goods shed and platform, station building in the distance, V/Line Grain broad gauge VHGF type bogie grain waggons, Grain Elevators Board Ascom style sub-terminal silo complex, with gravitational loading road at right.

176-06148 viewsYarrawonga station yard overview looking south, super phosphate shed and Williamstown style silo complex on the left, station building and platform in the middle distance, and GEB sub-terminal silo complex on the right.

176-18148 viewsAlbury, a pair of V/Line standard gauge G class units, lead by G 520 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1233 power an up goods train bound for Melbourne towards the platform and a crew change, the broad gauge diamond and track with a tank waggon are visible.

177-22148 viewsGheringhap, down V/Line broad gauge goods train to Adelaide 9169 with the quad power combo of a pair of Australian National BL class locomotives BL 27 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1011 and class leader BL 26 'Bob Hawke' serial 83-1010 and V/Line S class S 313 'Alfred Deakin' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 61-230 and X class X 53 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-800, BL 27 had Paul Keating drawn on the LHS cab as it was just after he'd taken the Labor Party leadership and the Prime Ministership off Bob Hawke.
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