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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
155-13148 viewsWallan, stored 'OFF REG' waggon awaiting scrapping, six wheel Ways and Works waggon HD type 148 HD, originally built by Newport Workshops in 1905 as a six wheel FF type fixed wheel horsebox FF 54, in 1910 recoded to F type F 26, scrapped at Bendigo Workshops in 1959 and converted to HD type HD 148. Placed Off Register circa 1981.
155-25148 viewsMelbourne Yard, derailed broad gauge Australian National 930 class 934 built in 1956 by AE Goodwin as ALCo model DL500B serial 81889 in AN livery, right hand cab side shows derailed bogie.
159-01148 viewsDeer Park West, broad gauge Australian National BL class locomotive leads an Adelaide bound down goods train near Robinson Road, signal gantry for up movements with searchlight signals 1/22 and 1/10, the sign on the signal gantry is for 'UNSAFE DECKING'.
159-03148 viewsBank Box Loop, distant view of a down Adelaide bound broad gauge goods train rounding the curve with the super elevation of the mainline visible being hauled by V/Line G class G 540 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1273 and Australian National 700 class 704 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL500G serial G6059-2.
159-12148 viewsLismore, distant view across Gnarpurt Road grade crossing of Australian National broad gauge BL class BL 27 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1011 leading a sister BL class and V/Line S and X class locomotives with down goods train 9169 as it runs round the curves on their way to Adelaide.
161-02148 viewsNumurkah, station yard overview looking north towards Picola Junction, steam era stand pipe remains on No.1 Rd, semaphore signal post remains with Picola Line doll removed, the down starting semaphore for the Strathmerton line is visible in the trees, track to turntable and ash pit at right.
161-03148 viewsNumurkah, view from outside platform looking across yard through gates, goods loading platform visible with Williamstown style silo complex located behind it with train loading spouts.
183-14148 viewsSeymour loco depot, V/Line broad gauge loco T class T 368 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 64-323 sits over the brake pit, front view.
181-22148 viewsTraralgon yard, broad gauge V/Line D type bogie steel box van D 311, non-hand brake end.
139-07148 viewsBallarat yard, looking east, rear view of semaphore and disc signal post 11, semaphore signal post 9B facing the camera, Ballarat East signal box and goods shed visible in the background.
191-20148 viewsKilmore East, Victorian Railways liveried B class B 65 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-6 leads an UP special sleeper discharge train as it discharges sleepers near the '37 mile' on a Sunday.
119-23147 viewsMaribyrnong River bridge, signal post 162, Australian National broad gauge locos BL class BL 29 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1013 and 700 class 703 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL500G serial G6059-1 working down Adelaide bound goods train 9145 across the river.
120-29147 viewsWodonga V/Line broad gauge loco N class leader N 451 'City of Portland' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1219, cab side, nameplate and emblem, bogie.
170-20147 viewsGoorambat, yard view looking towards Benalla, super phosphate sheds with a Victorian Oat Pool shed beyond them.
173-14147 viewsMurchison East, V/Line station sign, 'Change here for bus connection to...', north end of station building with brick chimney.
175-17147 viewsPine Lodge, track view looking at load-out spouts on Williamstown style silo complex, staff / storage shed.
176-03147 viewsYarrawonga, yard view looking north across Orr Street grade crossing towards Oaklands, Pivot super phosphate storage shed and loading conveyor.
176-07147 viewsYarrawonga, station building and platform overview, signal levers at left of building.
178-02147 viewsCressy, the peace of this once former four way junction station is shattered as V/Line down broad gauge goods train 9169 to Adelaide powers past the station building along the crossing loop behind a quad of screaming EMD 2 stroke locomotives, an Australian National BL class is leading the charge.
179-07147 viewsGheringhap, track view looking west, broad gauge V/Line down goods train 9153 is bound for Maroona and beyond, the other lines are the Ballarat Line in the middle and Siding C on the right running under the Midland Highway overpass, point rodding and interlocking for Siding C points are visible, Siding C used to form part of the original up line back in double track days.
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