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Most viewed - Victorian negative and digital Albums
165-20147 viewsAlbury yard, Australian National standard gauge ALGX type bogie louvre van ALGX 151, showing a fresh coat of paint.
125-20147 viewsHeathcote Junction, V/Line broad gauge B class Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-6 still in Victorian Railways livery leads a sleeper discharge train on the up broad gauge line, topping the grade.
126-24147 viewsBroadford Loop, V/Line G class G 518 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1231, loco failure, up standard gauge pass Melbourne Express, loco shunting back onto train.
127-03147 viewsSeymour loco depot, ex Victorian Railways ZD class six wheel guards van ZD 611, side view.
129-2-37147 viewsBuffalo track view, west end looking towards Melbourne, derail.
133-17147 viewsGheringhap station building, V/Line broad gauge grain train 9121 heading to Ballarat and beyond, G class G 529 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1259 and G 511 serial 84-1239 pause to exchange electric staves, driver boarding loco, point rodding, safeworking, from former No.2 platform.
135-18147 viewsKilmore East Apex Quarry siding, V/Line broad gauge G class G 540 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 89-1273 on the front of the stone train as it is loaded by the front-end wheel loader.
136-01147 viewsMathoura station yard overview looking north, sleeper loading site on the left, Ascom style silo complex, station building and radio repeater tank on the right.
136-03147 viewsMathoura, broad gauge V/Line VZTX class bogie sleeper carrying waggon VZTX 6 half loaded, new sleepers stockpiled in yard.
136-09147 viewsMathoura station yard overview looking south from north end, Behlen oats bin and Ascom silos on the right, sleeper loading site well down in the background.
138-04147 viewsBendigo yard, MM class bogie livestock waggon, primarily for cattle haulage, stored.
141-1-24147 viewsSunshine, broad gauge V/Line B class loco B 76 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-17 leads an N set on an up passenger service along platform 1.
149-10147 viewsBacchus Marsh gangers trolley shed on the mainline to Melbourne.
150-13147 viewsLismore, station yard overview looking towards Melbourne from goods loading ramp, V/Line broad gauge C classes Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C leading Adelaide bound goods train 9169 at the trailable points which are set for left hand lay.
150-20147 viewsLismore station yard overview from Maroona end of goods loop looking east, station building at left on No. 1 road, taken from goods loop points on No.2 road, point lever, stock yards and races with grain bunker behind.
162-1-13147 viewsHealesville, yard view looking south from station towards goods shed.
151-14147 viewsGheringhap, broad gauge V/Line Adelaide bound goods train 9169 on No.1 Road under the power of G class G 531 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1261, C class C 510 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-833 and C 509 serial 76-832, this shot taken from the former No.2 platform.
153-3-10147 viewsMininera, yard loading ramp looking towards Geelong.
154-15147 viewsLismore, V/Line broad gauge C class locomotive C 510 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-833 leads Adelaide bound goods train 9169 with C 508 serial 76-831 and C class leader C 501 'George Brown' serial 76-824, paused on No.2 Rd opposite the station building to obtain a new train order from Lismore to Ararat.
155-10147 viewsWallan, stored 'OFF REG' waggon awaiting scrapping, bogie Ways and Works workmen's sleeper waggon, WW type 113 WW, side view. Originally built as a A type first class fixed six wheel carriage A 114 by Brown & Marshall of England in 1883, recoded to X type X 63 in circa 1910, then in 1946 converted to a workman's sleeper W type at Newport workshops as W 58. And in 1959 at Bendigo workshops fitted to a bogie underframe and converted to WW.
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