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070608 0085789 viewsMidland, WGL 634 originally one of ten units built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1975-76 as WFN type bogie flat waggon for Western Mining Corporation for nickel matte kibble traffic as WFN 604 and converted to WGL for bagged nickel matte in 1979.

PD 12854597 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AOPY 32377 with fleet number 906, was renumbered to 4906 but the 4 has been removed, one of seventy ex ANR coal waggons rebuilt from AOKF type by Bluebird Engineering SA in service with ARG on Koolyanobbing iron ore trains. They used to be three metres longer and originally built by Metropolitan Cammell Britain as GB type in 1952-55.

060527 4129592 viewsScotia, WQTY 30419 flat waggon, originally built by Tomlinson Steel WA as WFX type in 1970 from a batch of one hundred and sixty one waggons, recoded to WQCX type in 1980, then WQC type before recoded back the WQCX in 1982, then current code in 1996. Seen here carrying six loaded nickel ore kibbles.

160522 2041499 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATLY 1 Origin LPG tank waggon. Built as Tg type gas tank waggon by Comeng NSW as Tg 1 in Oct 1968 for South Australian Railways, to Victorian Railways in 1979 as TWF 10, then recoded to VTGX, then back to AN in 1988 as ATLX.

100609 09981414 viewsMidland, AQWY 31051 container waggon, built by Centrecon Ltd WA in 1981 in a batch of thirty five WFA type container waggons, another eighteen were also built by Westrail. In 1987 it was converted to WFAP for motor vehicle transport. Loaded with three 20' Colemans' 25B0 containers for carrying ammonium nitrate, CCBU 0037, CCBU 0039 and CCBU 0024.

060528 4438349 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, AOPY 32377, fleet number 907, with the 4 being a recent addition due to the increasing fleet size, one of seventy ex ANR coal waggons rebuilt from AOKF type by Bluebird Engineering SA in service with ARG on Koolyanobbing iron ore trains. They used to be three metres longer and originally built by Metropolitan Cammell Britain as GB type in 1952-55, 28th May 2006.

200-19332 viewsMidland, Westrail's Clyde Engineering built EMD model G26C as the DA class, DA 1573 serial 72-760 and DA 1574 serial 72-761 lead an empty grain train to Avon past the Midland Workshops at 0925 hrs 24th June 1997.

186-01329 viewsMidland, Westrail standard gauge up Kalgoorlie loaded acid train 428 crosses Lloyd Street behind a pair of L class locomotives L 263 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C, serial 68-553 and L 274 serial 73-779, with the dual gauge track to the Flashbutt Yard in the foreground. The empty return working of this train was 027 empty acid.

186-17328 viewsWoodbridge, Westrail narrow gauge D class locomotive D 1565 Clyde Engineering built EMD model G26CU serial 70-727 leads a loaded coal train of XY type bogie coal hoppers bound for Narngulu - Geraldton about to cross Woodbridge Rd grade crossing.

186-15326 viewsMidland, Westrail standard gauge up Kalgoorlie loaded acid train 428 behind a pair of L class locomotives L 268 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 68-617 and L 256 serial 67-546, the narrow gauge track to the Flashbutt yard in the foreground and Midland Workshops behind train, trailing view.

190109 1572322 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00106 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-106 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.

186-02317 viewsMidland, Westrail standard gauge up Kalgoorlie loaded acid train 428 behind a pair of L class locomotives L 263 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 68-553 and L 274 built by Comeng Qld serial 73-779 in 1973 for Western Mining Corporation, with nickel containers as part of the loading, the narrow gauge track to the Flashbutt yard in the foreground and Midland Workshops behind train.

160525 4943308 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Aurizon intermodal train 2MP1. Inline fuelling waggon QQFY 4271, originally built for Commonwealth Railways in 1976 by Perry Engineering SA as type RMX, recoded to AQMX, 70 tonne bogies became AQMY, then RQMY, to QR National in 2007. Seen here with two 30' diesel fuel tanktainers from Nantong Tank Container Company, NTTU 330006 and NTTU 330001 each with a 30800 litre capacity, and fuel transfer or pump unit QRIP 06.

186-03300 viewsMidland, trailing view of the standard gauge up Kalgoorlie acid train 428, showing the 28 CSA type tanks on WQH type bogie flat waggons with an WMX type bogie car carrying waggon as the rear barrier waggon, Midland Workshops behind train.

200-04299 viewsMoorine Rock, Westrail L class 271 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 69-620 runs through the loop with the ballast cleaning train known as the Circus Train 22nd June 1997.

186-04296 viewsMidland, empty standard gauge down grain train 051 powers along behind Westrail L class locomotive L 268 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 68-617 with forty WW and WWA type bogie grain waggons.

208-1-01296 viewsBassendean, Rail Heritage WA Museum, exhibit #28, built by Vickers Metropolitan Electrical Co. England in 1924 was the only 3'6" gauge electric locomotive in WA until 1990, it was owned and operated by the State Electricity Commission to shunt coal waggons at the East Perth power station siding. It has 600 horsepower and operated at 600 volts DC. It was donated to the Museum in 1972.

060527 4090292 viewsScotia, AQHY 30023 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0017, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 as a WF type flat waggon, then in 1997, following several recodes and modifications, was one of seventy five waggons converted to the WQH type to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.

200-05291 viewsMoorine Rock, Westrail L class 271 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 69-620 runs through the loop with the ballast cleaning train, known as the Circus Train while a Perth bound freighter sits in the mainline, 22nd June 1997.

200-03290 viewsMoorine Rock, Westrail L class 271 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 69-620 runs through the loop with the ballast cleaning train, known as the Circus Train while a Perth bound freighter sits in the mainline, 22nd June 1997.
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