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160306 14251122 viewsGreen Pool, Rio Tinto General Electric built ES44ACi unit 9103 serial 61941, driver side cab view. 6th March 2016. View location here.     (2 votes)

210510 113646 viewsNear Galah on the Rio Tinto Dampier - Tom Price line at the 89.5 km, RTW type intermediate rail waggon RTB 017 on Rio Tinto's Gemco Rail built rail train consist. 10th May 2021. Location.     (1 votes)

210510 113556 viewsNear Galah on the Rio Tinto Dampier - Tom Price line at the 89.5 km, RTW type intermediate rail waggon RTB 018 on Rio Tinto's Gemco Rail built rail train consist. 10th May 2021. Location.     (1 votes)

210510 113451 viewsNear Galah on the Rio Tinto Dampier - Tom Price line at the 89.5 km, RTW type intermediate rail waggon RTB 019 on Rio Tinto's Gemco Rail built rail train consist. 10th May 2021. Location.     (1 votes)

210510 113344 viewsNear Galah on the Rio Tinto Dampier - Tom Price line at the 89.5 km, RTW type intermediate rail waggon RTB 020 on Rio Tinto's Gemco Rail built rail train consist. 10th May 2021. Location.     (1 votes)

210510 113246 viewsNear Galah on the Rio Tinto Dampier - Tom Price line at the 89.5 km, RTW type intermediate rail waggon RTB 021 on Rio Tinto's Gemco Rail built rail train consist. 10th May 2021. Location.     (1 votes)

210510 111847 viewsNear Gull on the Rio Tinto Dampier - Tom Price line at the 101.5 km, RTS type straddle crane carrying rail waggon RTS 002 on Rio Tinto's Gemco Rail built rail train consist. 10th May 2021. Location.     (1 votes)

190109 1560132 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with Mineral Resources MRL class loco MRL 001 'Minres Express' with serial R-0113-03/14-504 a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE model C44ACi model locomotive, one of 6 built in 2014.     (1 votes)

180918 0252r1242 viewsRoy Hill flat / rail waggon, FA type FA 1202 with a capacity of 127 tonnes and a tare of 33 tonnes, one of five units built by CSR Yangtze Rolling Stock Co in China in 2015. Seen here in the rail construction yard. 18th September 2018.     (1 votes)

180701 9521r950 viewsThomas Yard, FMG 100 tonne capacity flat waggon F 06. Built by CSR Yangtze Rolling Stock Co. at their Zhuzhou works in China.     (1 votes)

180616 1628144 viewsHarding Siding, a loaded train from Mesa A behind double Rio Tinto loco 9103 with serial 61941 a GE Erie built GE model ES44ACi from the 1st order in Rio Tinto Stripes livery and 9108 serial 62539 with 167 'J' type ore waggons around the curve at the 38.5 km. 16th June 2018. GeoData
Toad Montgomery image.     (1 votes)

150412 7910935 viewsBoodarie, Roy Hill Tad Yard under construction with an ex-Victorian Railways T class in the Pilbara, who would've thought?! Now owned by CFCLA T class T 387 a Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 65-417 with CFCLA ballast cars. 12th April 2015. View map here.     (1 votes)

170727 9642r955 viewsRoy Hill ballast plough waggon, ZP class ZP 0002, built by China Southern Rail in Zhuzhou China, seen here on the BHP line flyover. 27th July 2017. View map here.     (1 votes)

170727 9631r934 viewsRoy Hill side dump waggon, SA class SA 1601 one of ten built by China Southern Rail in Zhuzhou China, seen here on the BHP line flyover. 27th July 2017. View map here.     (1 votes)

060301 3088r525 viewsNelson Point yard sees BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC units 4302 serial 20038540-003 and 4308 serial 20038540-009 awaiting their next call to duty on Wednesday night 1st March 2006.     (1 votes)

060225 2978r504 viewsNelson Point yard sees BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe unit 4309 'Gidgi' serial 20038540-010 passing General Electric built AC6000 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial 51068. 4309 is leading a loaded train towards the dumpers while 6076 is taking empty cars to the departure yard. 25th February 2006.     (1 votes)

060216 2792r548 viewsBing Siding, BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe unit 4311 'Poonda' serial 20038540-012 with an SD40R as second unit runs through Bing South on the mainline to Nelson Point with a loaded trains. The track in the foreground is the new duplicated road to Nelson Point and is still under construction. 16th February 2006.     (1 votes)

051023 6360r593 viewsNelson Point service shop, brand new BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC unit 4305 serial 20038540-006 drivers side cab prior to commissioning. Note the windscreen protector in the raised position. 23rd October 2005.     (1 votes)

051023 6215r593 viewsNelson Point, BHP Billiton EMD built SD40 unit 3078 built February 1966 serial 31503 / 7861-13 still in previous owner IC & E blue and yellow runs out of the fuel gantry with loaded tank waggons as Electro-Motive (EMD successor) built SD70ACe/LC unit 4305 is lowered onto the rails. 23rd October 2005.     (1 votes)

051023 6134r553 viewsNelson Point, BHP Billiton's Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC builders 'plate' for 4301 serial 20038540-002, it is actually a decal. On delivery day 23rd October 2005.     (1 votes)
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