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160306 1432913 viewsGreen Pool, left hand side view Rio Tinto General Electric built ES44ACi unit 9110 serial 62541. 6th March 2016. View location here.55555
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160306 1430946 viewsGreen Pool, right hand side view of the hood of Rio Tinto's General Electric built ES44ACi unit 9103 serial 61941. View location here.55555
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160306 1429958 viewsGreen Pool, right hand side view of radiator section of Rio Tinto General Electric built ES44ACi unit 9103 serial 61941 6th March 2016. View location here.55555
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160306 14281030 viewsGreen Pool, two Rio Tinto General Electric built ES44ACi units 9103 serial 61941 and 9110 serial 62541 coupled back to back, view of radiator sections. 6th March 2016. View location here.55555
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160306 1419640 viewsGreen Pool, left hand side view of radiator section of Rio Tinto General Electric built ES44ACi unit 9110 serial 62541. 6th March 2016. View location here.55555
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051023 6248r638 viewsNelson Point hard stand, rear view of BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC unit 4305 serial 20038540-006 showing radiator wing, dual rear marker lights and dynamic brake detail. 23rd October 2005.55555
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060416 3508r549 viewsNelson Point south yard, BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC operational class leader 4301 'Bing' serial 20038540-002. Actual class leader 4300 was purchased wholly as a spare parts source. 16th April 2006.55555
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120307 0074 brian marsh1130 viewsThe first BHP Billiton Progress Rail built SD70ACe unit at Muncie USA. Note the lack of nose grab irons, the unit also has two new EMD type roof mounted antennas, a larger antenna at the rear, no grabs on the rear, no grabs behind the inverter area and has additional access openings in the side railing, just a few details of note. Window protectors have not yet been installed and step well guards will be installed in Australia.
Photo by Brian Marsh, Overland Models, Inc.
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060714 6685r664 viewsBing Siding finds BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M locomotive 5654 'Kashima' serial 8412-11 / 93-145 as it shunts the steel (rail) train 14th July 2006.55555
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050625 3768442 viewsBroome Rd grade crossing at the 57.1 km on the GML sees BHP Goninan GE rebuilt model CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06 / 93-139 long end leading the Sundowner on its way back to Hedland across the highway 25th June 2005.55555
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050319 0082r875 viewsNelson Point, Ex Southern Pacific SD40T-2 loco 8335 serial 786175-9 built in April 1979 and retired by Union Pacific 23rd May 2001, this unit was purchased as a spares source for the other SD40 style units. The T signifies that it is a Tunnel motor with a modified radiator intake to allow 'cool' running through the Sierra Nevada tunnels. And the 'M' with a lighting rod through it meant that it was a master unit for radio controlled helpers, used in the Tehachapi mountains. 19th March 2005.55555
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040809 161352r571 viewsNelson Point BHP Billiton SD40 yard pilot unit 3080 serial 33674 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8482 and wearing former owner IC&E blue and yellow livery crosses the BI-LO grade crossing with a loaded rake for Car Dumper 3 9th August 2004.55555
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040807 112646r635 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3095 serial 33677 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8485 being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage on a 168 wheel float as it turns into Gate 9 for Nelson Point 7th August 2004.55555
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040807 082350r599 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, EMD SD40R unit 3097 serial 31569 and originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8409 is the final member of the SD40 units and is being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage 168 wheel float into BHP Nelson Point via Gate 9 7th August 2004.55555
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242-08210 viewsNelson Point, BHP Goninan GE rebuild C36-7M unit 5508 serial 4839-04 / 87-073 about to be trucked to United Goninan Perth for eventual overhaul and repainting into the Pilbara Rail livery and leased to Pilbara Rail re-numbered 5052 as a shunt unit at Dampier. May 2002.55555
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040810 162642r482 viewsAbydos Siding, BHP Billiton GE AC6000 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial 51068 leads an all bubble paint quin consist on the main with EMD SD40R 3091 serial 31496 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8415 and mid train units CM40-8M 5636 leading newly delivered SD40R units 3095 and 3096 10th August 2004.55555
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171204 1089r860 viewsCFCLA's Goninan ALCo rebuild to GE CM40-8M locomotive CD 4305, serial 8109-3/91-119 was originally Chesapeake & Ohio (USA) ALCo C630 serial 3486-4 #2103, then Robe River unit 9420 before going to CFCLA in 2012. Seen here on the access road while being transported to Roy Hill's flash butt yard by Doolan's Heavy Haulage as they pass an empty float, 4th December 2017. View map here.55555
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171204 1086r1184 viewsCFCLA's Goninan ALCo to GE rebuild CM40-8M locomotive CD 4305, serial 8109-3/91-119 was originally Chesapeake & Ohio (USA) ALCo C630 serial 3486-4 #2103, then Robe River unit 9420 before going to CFCLA in 2012. Seen here on the access road while being transported to Roy Hill's flash butt yard by Doolan's Heavy Haulage, 4th December 2017. View map here.55555
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171204 1045r929 viewsGreat Northern Highway, Twelve Mile Creek Rd CFCLA's Goninan ALCo to GE rebuild CM40-8M locomotive CD 4305 serial 8109-3/91-119 was originally Chesapeake & Ohio (USA) ALCo C630 serial 3486-4 #2103, then Robe River unit 9420 before going to CFCLA in 2012. Being transported to Roy Hill's flash butt yard by Doolan's Heavy Haulage. 4th December 2017. View map here.55555
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171204 1030r847 viewsTwelve Mile Creek Rd, CFCLA's Goninan ALCo to GE rebuild CM40-8M locomotive CD 4305 serial 8109-3/91-119 was originally Chesapeake & Ohio (USA) ALCo C630 serial 3486-4 #2103, then Robe River unit 9420 before going to CFCLA in 2012. Being transported to Roy Hill's flash butt yard by Doolan's Heavy Haulage. 4th December 2017. View map here.55555
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