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Top rated - Victorian negative and digital Albums
129-2-02181 viewsLang Lang yard overview, looking up towards Melbourne from up end points, point and signal levers and interlocking.55555
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129-2-00181 viewsLang Lang station building overview.55555
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129-2-01178 viewsLang Lang station platform, van goods shed.55555
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126-10189 viewsTottenham broad gauge train 9169 down goods to Adelaide via Cressy, brake testing at Tottenham , V/Line C classes C 503 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-826, C 506 serial 76-829 and C 501 'George Brown' serial 76-824.55555
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128-36185 viewsNar Nar Goon, up passenger train with Comeng 487M, pausing at platform, 4D (Double Deck Development and Demonstration), double deck suburban electric set, testing phase.55555
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106-28351 viewsV/Line broad gauge N class N 457 'City of Mildura' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1225 leads a down Albury passenger train with an N set.55555
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106-26403 viewsSeymour loco depot, turntable pit, V/Line standard gauge Y class Y 102 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-292, and broad gauge CM class bogie parcel van CM 10 and rail tractors RT class RT?? and RT??55555
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106-20384 viewsSeymour broad gauge passenger stabling yard, V/Line P class P 21 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18HBR serial 84-1214 rebuilt from flat-top T class T 338 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-114 with D van and orange 'Tea Cup' liveried H set SH 28.55555
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179-10183 viewsGheringhap, V/Line broad gauge G class locomotive G 515 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1243 leads a another G class with up loaded grain train 9122 as the fireman or 2nd person leans out the cab window to swap electric staves with the signaller to continue non-stop to North Geelong gain loop, while Gheringhap is equipped with automatic staff exchange apparatus, they are not used and the G class has no exchanger.55555
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105-35236 viewsSeymour loco depot, ex-V/Line broad gauge T class T 357 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 61-242, still in VR livery under SRHC ownership.55555
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105-08349 viewsWallan, broad gauge V/Line N class loco N 456 'City of Colac' with serial 85-1224 a Clyde Engineering Somerton Victoria built EMD model JT22HC-2 arrives with an up Albury passenger train, gangers trolley shed, crib crossing and semaphore signal post 12 for down movements.55555
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105-07467 viewsWallan, broad gauge named V/Line A class loco A 71 'Dick Reynolds' with serial 83-1180 a Clyde Engineering Rosewater SA rebuild EMD model AAT22C-2R rebuilt from V/Line B class loco B 71 with serial ML2-12 a Clyde Engineering Granville NSW built EMD model ML2 with a Z set work down Cobram passenger train 8327 express through the station past semaphore signal post 12.55555
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103-32324 viewsBenalla station yard overview looking north, broad gauge V/Line N class loco N 456 'City of Colac' with serial 85-1224 a Clyde Engineering Somerton Victoria built EMD model JT22HC-2 and N set with up Albury pass under the intact semaphore signal gantry, signal post 20 in front of camera, opposite B box, yard still interlocked.55555
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166-00176 viewsAlbury yard view with trans-shipping gantry crane and shed, V/Line broad gauge bogie slab steel waggons of the VKEX type, VKEX 1 started life as an ELX built at the North Melbourne Workshops in December 1979, and NSWSRA NRJY type in the background, skewed.44444
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120-02174 viewsSeymour station platform, V/Line broad gauge Bulldog B class B 75 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-16 still in original Victorian Railways VR livery, right hand cab side shot, No.2 end.44444
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128-22151 viewsSunbury, V/Line broad gauge N class N 461 'City of Ararat' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1190, down passenger train, wife talking to driver.33333
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177-01177 viewsTottenham Yard, side view of broad gauge Australian National AQDW type jumbo container waggon AQDW 4, loaded with two 2 TEU (two twenty foot equivalent unit) TNT containers, these waggons are 80 feet long.22222
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105-03361 viewsWallan, V/Line broad gauge N class N 473 'City of Warragul' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1202 with N set on a down pass, redundant disc signal post 11 at left with searchlight signal post 9 above locomotive.22222
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WTT West 1979-10-29158 viewsWorking Time-Table Western and South Western Districts, 29th October 1979, complete 224 page PDF download, 10 MB.11111
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181-04149 viewsTrafalgar yard, loading platform and goods shed, point lever and locking bar just visible on edge of frame.11111
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64 files on 4 page(s) 3

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