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198-22127 viewsPort Hedland Port, view of the Cargill Salt berth and loader, or PHPA Berth No. 3, in this 2001 view, the then new bulker loader is under construction and manganese is stockpiled on the ground. The BHP Finucane Island berth is visible along with the overland conveyor for the HBI plant, in the far background is the admin building for BHP Transport the operator of the Tug Boats.
198-23133 viewsPort Hedland Port, view of the hard stand and overview of the PHPA, manganese is stockpiled around the former Cockburn Cement silos, new bulk loader under construction, tug pen visible along with single berth at BHP Finucane Island.
198-24123 viewsPort Hedland Port, overview of the hard stand area, salt conveyor at very bottom of image. New bulk loader under construction, tug pen and BHP Transport admin building visible at top right. Circa 2001.
198-25135 viewsPort Hedland Port, view of Port Control Tower, grassed area with shed is for helicopter operator, the Esplanade Hotel can also be seen along with the lookout tower behind the visitors centre.
198-26116 viewsPort Hedland Port, view of Port Control Tower, grassed area with shed is for helicopter operator, the Esplanade Hotel can also be seen along with the lookout tower behind the visitors centre.
198-27132 viewsPort Hedland Port, view across hard stand area, shows tug pen and BHP Transport admin building, locals will also notice Customs House, new bulk loader under construction.
198-28124 viewsPort Hedland Port, view of manganese stockpile area with truck unloading, Cockburn Cement silos, old loader can just be made out in front of new bulk loader under construction, 2001.
198-29134 viewsPort Hedland Port, view of Cargill Salt loader on No. 3 Berth, BHP under-harbour tunnel portal and overland conveyor for HBI plant visible along with Finucane Island, 2001.
198-30122 viewsPort Hedland Port, view of the BHP HBI plant overland conveyor and under-harbour tunnel portal, also Utah Point Boat Ramp. This area is now changed with Pilbara Ports Authority No.4 Berth, and three additional berths for BHP Billiton. Images taken 2001.
198-31125 viewsPort Hedland Port, view across harbour with now demolished HBI plant in the background, this plant was flattened in October 2011, this view is 2001, FMG have now built berths in this area and Roy Hill have a couple on the right.
198-32135 viewsPort Hedland Port, view of ship turning basin with the South Hedland water tank in the distance, FMG now have a three berths in this location on the right. Early 2001.
198-33127 viewsPort Hedland Port, view of ship turning basin with the South Hedland water tank in the distance, FMG now have a three berths in this location on the right. Early 2001.
198-34140 viewsPort Hedland Port, BHP Nelson Point view of Berth B with vessel being loaded by Shiploader One.
198-35124 viewsPort Hedland Port, BHP Nelson Point view of Berth B with vessel being loaded by Shiploader One.
198-36139 viewsPort Hedland Port, BHP Nelson Point view of A Berth looking towards Berth B with vessel being loaded on B Berth by Shiploader One.
198-37164 viewsView of Nelson Point showing original plant, and conveyors etc.
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