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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > BHP_Track_Machines

050625 360394 viewsMooka North, BHP's new Tamper 3 track machine a Plasser Australia 09-3X model serial M480. 25th June 2005.
050625 3606108 viewsMooka North, BHP's new Tamper 3 track machine a Plasser Australia 09-3X model serial M480. 25th June 2005.
050625 360888 viewsMooka North, BHP's new Tamper 3 track machine a Plasser Australia 09-3X model serial M480. 25th June 2005.
050625 3610103 viewsMooka North, BHP's new Tamper 3 track machine a Plasser Australia 09-3X model serial M480, over exposed shot to highlight the front of the unit in shadow. 25th June 2005.
050625 3633101 viewsMooka North backtrack holds BHP's new Tamper 3 track machine a Plasser Australia 09-3X model serial M480 as a ballast train runs past on the passing track as an empty ore train is on the mainline. 25th June 2005.
050625 3656105 viewsMooka North, BHP's new Tamper 3 track machine a Plasser Australia 09-3X model serial M480 in out on the passing track. 25th June 2005.
050625 366096 viewsMooka North, BHP's new Tamper 3 track machine a Plasser Australia 09-3X model serial M480 in out on the passing track. 25th June 2005.
050625 366189 viewsMooka North, BHP's new Tamper 3 track machine a Plasser Australia 09-3X model serial M480 in out on the passing track, view of the tamping heads and mechanism. 25th June 2005.
050625 3663106 viewsMooka North, BHP's new Tamper 3 track machine a Plasser Australia 09-3X model serial M480. 25th June 2005.
050625 366592 viewsMooka North, BHP's new Tamper 3 track machine a Plasser Australia 09-3X model serial M480. 25th June 2005.
050625 381191 viewsNode 2 at the 38 km on the GML or former Goldsworthy mainline, some Barclay Mowlem track machines are off clear of the running lines, a sleeper crane is at the front with three sleeper inserters behind. 25th June 2005.
050625 381293 viewsNode 2 at the 38 km on the GML or former Goldsworthy mainline, a Barclay Mowlem track machine sleeper crane off clear of the running lines. 25th June 2005.
050625 381392 viewsNode 2 at the 38 km on the GML or former Goldsworthy mainline, three Barclay Mowlem sleeper inserter track machines off clear of the running lines. 25th June 2005.
050625 381484 viewsNode 2 at the 38 km on the GML or former Goldsworthy mainline, two Barclay Mowlem sleeper inserter track machines off clear of the running lines. 25th June 2005.
050625 381587 viewsNode 2 at the 38 km on the GML or former Goldsworthy mainline, two Barclay Mowlem sleeper inserter track machines off clear of the running lines. 25th June 2005.
050625 381693 viewsNode 2 at the 38 km on the GML or former Goldsworthy mainline, a Barclay Mowlem sleeper inserter track machine off clear of the running lines. 25th June 2005.
050625 381793 viewsNode 2 at the 38 km on the GML or former Goldsworthy mainline, a Barclay Mowlem track lifter track machine off clear of the running lines. 25th June 2005.
050625 381884 viewsNode 2 at the 38 km on the GML or former Goldsworthy mainline, three Barclay Mowlem sleeper inserter track machines off clear of the running lines. 25th June 2005.
050625 381993 viewsNode 2 at the 38 km on the GML or former Goldsworthy mainline, a Barclay Mowlem sleeper inserter track machine off clear of the running lines. 25th June 2005.
050625 382091 viewsNode 2 at the 38 km on the GML or former Goldsworthy mainline, some Barclay Mowlem track machines are off clear of the running lines, a sleeper crane is at the front with three sleeper inserters behind. 25th June 2005.
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