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030415 15053589 viewsFerguson, located at the 469 km on the Trans Australian Railway, station nameboard. GeoData location.
030415 15081494 viewsFerguson, located at the 469 km on the Trans Australian Railway, looking east at the west end of the 1800 metre long crossing loop, point work on timber sleepers, interlocking hut, indicator and lever with dual control point machine on the right. GeoData location.
030415 154424121 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking east along the Trans Australian Railway in the middle of the yard, the Central Australian Railway is on the left, loop on the right, east leg of triangle is just in view with the sidings running east behind the large tree and water tank. Tarcoola is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways situated 504 km from the 0 km datum at Coonamia. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 154518121 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking west along the eastern leg of the triangle, power station on the left, loop line running to the right. Tarcoola is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways situated 504 km from the 0 km datum at Coonamia. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 154528121 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking west along loop line, the eastern leg of the triangle running to the left, middle road is the Trans Australian Railway line while the right is the Central Australian Railway line. Tarcoola is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways situated 504 km from the 0 km datum at Coonamia. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 15470888 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking south east along the No. 1 Water Road, first set of points is the Camp Train Road, then the two Loco Roads No. 1 and No. 2. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 15482082 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking south east along the No. 1 Water Road, set of points is the No. 2 Loco Road, No. 1 Loco and Camp Train roads are visible to the left. Water tank on stand. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 15490985 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking south east, roads are, Camp Train, No. 1 Loco, No. 2 Loco and No. 1 Water Road, mainline to the left. Water tank on stand. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 15505697 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking east, end of the Camp Train and No. 1 Loco roads at the points, while No. 2 Loco and No. 1 Water Road curve in from the right, mainline to the left. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 15512685 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking east, end of the No. 2 Loco Road, No. 1 Water Road curving in from the right, spur from Camp Train and No. 1 Loco Roads as left and mainline to the far left. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 155213101 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking west, end of No. 1 Water Road running straight, removed points, No. 2 Loco, then No. 1 Loco and the points for the Camp Train Roads just visible on the right. Tank on stand and underground covered tank can be made out. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 15522891 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking east, points for Camp Train and No. 2 Loco Roads with the No. 1 Water Road coming in from the right. Mainline to the left. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 155301102 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking west, removed points for No. 1 Water Road joining the Camp Train Road. Town is to the far north west, and the mainline is on the right. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 15531495 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking south east at the remains of the head shunt off the Camp Train and No. 1 Water Roads. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 155423124 viewsTarcoola, looking east along the mainline towards Port Augusta, Central Australian Railway coming in from the left, Trans Australian Railway is the middle road with the loop on the right. Tarcoola is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways situated 504.5 km from the 0 km datum at Coonamia outside of Port Pirie. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 155956135 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, works compound see old livestock waggons converted to storage shed for gas bottles and the like. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 160010117 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, works compound see old livestock waggons converted to storage shed for gas bottles and the like. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 160138126 viewsTarcoola, station nameboard original style, is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways situated 504.5 km from the 0 km datum at Coonamia. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 160210126 viewsTarcoola, station nameboard new style, the junction for the TAR and CAR railways situated 504.5 km from the 0 km datum at Coonamia. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 171358127 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking east along the Central Australia line at the western end of the loop and Trans Australian is the right road. Tarcoola is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways situated 504 km from the 0 km datum at Coonamia. 15th April 2003.
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