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148-03140 viewsWangaratta, view of disc signal post 18 for Siding A to Main Line, old and new water standpipes and twin disc signal post 19, goods shed and platform with 'Freight Gate' canopy in the background.
148-04130 viewsWangaratta view across yard from Siding A looking at 'E' type 20,000 litre water tower which dates from 1874, front elevation, and goods loading platform, point lever.
148-05146 viewsWangaratta, disc signal post 21, Up signals from Siding C to No.2 Road towards post 14, and to No.3 Road towards post 15, telephone cabinet for signal box at foot of post, footbridge behind, looking south from footbridge ramp.
148-06152 viewsWangaratta, semaphore and disc bracket signal post 23, Up Home and Calling-on signals, disc shunting signals, rear view taken from footbridge, No.3, 4 and 5 Rd extensions in the background.
148-07168 viewsWangaratta yard view with V/Line broad gauge N class N 460 'City of Castlemaine' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1228 on down Albury passenger at the station.
148-08161 viewsWangaratta yard view with V/Line broad gauge N class N 460 'City of Castlemaine' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1228 with N set on down Albury passenger departing the station.
148-09152 viewsWangaratta, V/Line rail tractor RT 5 and VLBY type louvre van VLBY 148 on No.5 Rd, side view. RT 5 built new by Newport Workshops September 1957. The VLBY which is the Wangaratta parcels waggon started out being built by Newport Workshops October 1956 as a VP type VP 148, in May 1979 re-coded to VLPY, re-coded again in 1982 to VLBY.
148-10273 viewsWangaratta, V/Line rail tractor RT 5 and VLBY type louvre van VLBY 148 on No.5 Rd, goods shed behind and point rodding in foreground, cover for automatic electric staff exchanger visible. RT 5 built new by Newport Workshops September 1957. The VLBY which is the Wangaratta parcels waggon started out being built by Newport Workshops October 1956 as a VP type VP 148, in May 1979 re-coded to VLPY, re-coded again in 1982 to VLBY.
148-11136 viewsWangaratta, signal gantry on foot bridge with semaphore signal post 14 and twin disc signal posts 15 and 16. Post 14 is the Up Home Signal from No.2 Road to 'A' to Post 9. Post 15 are both Up Signals, Left-hand Disc from No. 3 Road to 'A' towards Post 9, Right-hand Disc from No. 3 Road to Sidings 'H' or 'E'. Post 16 are both Up Signals, Left-hand Disc from Nos. 4, 5 or 6 Roads to 'A' towards Post 9, Right-hand Disc from Nos. 4, 5 or 6 Roads to Sidings 'H' or 'E'.
148-12150 viewsWangaratta, half stripped former twin disc Signal Post 13 with Left-hand Disc removed, was from Carriage Dock to Siding 'F', Right-hand Disc from Carriage Dock to 'A' towards Post 9.
148-13139 viewsWangaratta, Signal Post 12, one arm and one removed disc, Up Signals, arm is Home Signal from No. 1 Road to 'A' to Post 9. The Disc was from No. 1 Road to Siding 'F'.
148-14149 viewsWangaratta, V/Line VOCX bogie open waggons, VOCX 122, loaded with briquettes on the old works platform road, looking towards Sidings E, silos in the background. VOCX 122 was built by Ballarat North Workshops May 1968 as ELX type ELX 122. In 1979 re-coded to VOCX. In 1994 re-coded to ROBX.
148-15141 viewsWangaratta, Signal Post 17, one arm and three discs, the arm is Down Home Signal No.2 to Main Line, top Left-hand Disc from No. 3 Road to Siding 'C', top Right-hand disc from No. 3 Road to Main Line, Bottom Disc from No. 2 Road to Siding 'C'.
148-16132 viewsWangaratta, Signal Post 19 Two Disc Signals, Left-hand Disc from No. 4 or 5 Road to Siding 'C', Right-hand Disc from No. 4 or 5 Road to Main Line.
148-17143 viewsWangaratta, Signal Post 19 Two Disc Signals, Left-hand Disc from No. 4 or 5 Road to Siding 'C', Right-hand Disc from No. 4 or 5 Road to Main Line.
148-18135 viewsWangaratta, Signal Post 18 at the end of the platform, Single Disc Signal from Siding 'A' to Main Line, beyond that is semaphore Signal Post 20 Down Home from No.1 Road to Main Line to Post 24, and water stand pipe at left.
148-19138 viewsWangaratta, semaphore Signal Post 20, Down Home Signal for No.1 Road to Main Line to Post 24, track on the right is for Siding A, taken from station platform.
148-20170 viewsWangaratta, V/Line freshly repainted broad gauge VOFX bogie open waggon VOFX 1018 with super phosphate and Bedford TK unloading grab looking from grounded waggons, semaphore signal post 12 in the background. VOFX 1018 started life as ELX 1018 built by Bendigo Workshops December 1974, recoded to VOCX 1018 in 1981. Recoded to VOFX in 1987-88.
148-21136 viewsWangaratta, V/Line broad gauge RT class rail tractor RT 5 LHS view with signal box and platform in the background. RT 5 built new by Newport Workshops September 1957.
148-22142 viewsWangaratta, ex VR waggons GY type GY 2125 and G 4113 used for lime and sand storage by the local super phosphate agent McDonald. GY 2125 was built new by Newport Workshops June 1944, around 1990 was removed from the register. G 4113 was originally built new February 1952 by Metro Cammel C&W Co, England, recoded to G in 1982, off register 1990.
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