
153-3-01180 viewsMaroona, V/Line VOCX type bogie open waggon VOCX 130, originally built by Victorian Railways Ballarat North Workshops an ELX type in July 1968, recoded to VOCX in 1979, loaded with briquettes at the silo load out, lever handbrake.

153-3-02149 viewsMaroona, station platform and building, signal levers, 232 km post, looking towards Portland.

153-3-03138 viewsMaroona, station platform, signal levers chained in position, closest to camera Outer Ararat, Inner Ararat, Hamilton Dep, Geelong Dep, Hamilton Arr and Geelong Arr.

153-3-04139 viewsMaroona station yard overview looking towards Portland, junction for line to Geelong via Cressy, semaphore signal for Geelong line pulled off.

153-3-05152 viewsMaroona station yard overview, building and platform, platform shed, grain silos, looking toward Ararat.

153-3-06143 viewsTatyoon station yard overview from Ararat end, shows trailable points lever and indicator, goods shed and Murphy silos visible in the background.

153-3-07141 viewsTatyoon, station building and platform, radio mast, train order location.

153-3-08144 viewsTatyoon goods shed and Murphy silo complex, station platform at far left.

153-3-09139 viewsMininera location sign.

153-3-10147 viewsMininera, yard loading ramp looking towards Geelong.

153-3-11148 viewsMininera, yard overview looking towards Maroona, Victorian Oat Pool shed and super phosphate bunker, 223 km post.

153-3-12256 viewsMininera, the peace is shattered as V/Line broad gauge goods to Adelaide train 9169 is lead by C class C 507 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-830, C 502 serial 76-825 and an S class, bit out of focus as it caught the photographer by surprise.

153-3-13146 viewsPura Pura station building rear view.

153-3-14152 viewsPura Pura, station building and platform looking towards Geelong.

153-3-15130 viewsDerrinallum, yard view looking at loading ramp, new sleepers, taken from platform.

153-3-16134 viewsDerrinallum, station building, ganger depot, looking towards Geelong.

153-3-17134 viewsDerrinallum, station building and platform, platform shed, looking towards Geelong.

153-3-18132 viewsCressy, trailable points, lever and indicator, radio repeater site and crossing light cabinets, Maroona end of loop.

153-3-19133 viewsCressy, station building and platform, looking towards Geelong.

153-3-20182 viewsGeelong station building and platform, night shot, V/Line broad gauge N class N 467 'City of Stawell' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1196 with a 5 car N set.