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185-34141 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, V/Line down grain train number 9125 departs the yard as the driver leans out the window and collects the electric staff off the signaller for the section to Gheringhap from the cab of G class G 533 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1263, with a sister unit trailing, ground dwarf disc signal post 18 is pulled off for the move.May 05, 2014
185-33105 viewsNorth Geelong Yard, V/Line pair of G class, G 533 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1263 and a sister conduct their brake test prior to departure with down empty grain train 9125.May 05, 2014
185-3298 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, Separation Street grade crossing, a pair of V/Line G class units G 533 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1263 and a sister shunt back into North Geelong Yard light engine to form grain train 9125.May 05, 2014
185-31104 viewsNorth Geelong C Signal Box, internal view of the North Shore - North Geelong - Fyansford Signalling Diagram from 1984.May 05, 2014
185-30107 viewsNorth Geelong Yard, view from North Geelong C Signal Box of light engines G class G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 and X class X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 as they run across Separation Street grade crossing, shunter is riding rear loco, ground dwarf disc signal post 18 can just be seen in the bottom corner of image.May 05, 2014
185-29109 viewsNorth Geelong Yard, view from North Geelong C Signal Box of light engines G class G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 and X class X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 as the driver prepares to surrender the staff for the grain loop.May 05, 2014
185-28107 viewsNorth Geelong Yard, view from North Geelong C Signal Box of light engines G class G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 and X class X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 having cut off the empty grain train consist which will form 9125 down empty grain.May 05, 2014
185-27119 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, empty grain train behind G class G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 and X class X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 shunt back into the yard past North Geelong C Box, point rodding and ground dwarf disc signal 18.May 05, 2014
185-26113 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, Separation Street grade crossing, empty grain train behind G class G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 and X class X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 pass semaphore signal post 14 as they shunt up the mainline prior to setting back into the yard.May 05, 2014
185-2596 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, empty grain train behind G class G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 and X class X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 as they pass North Geelong C Box, shunter in cab doorway, ground dwarf disc signal 18 in the foreground.May 05, 2014
185-24109 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, view of empty grain train returning from the grain loop behind a G class locomotive G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 and X class X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 as they pass searchlight signal post 19 and 19B, ground dwarf disc signal 18 in the foreground.May 05, 2014
185-2396 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, view of empty grain train returning from the grain loop behind a G class locomotive G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 and X class X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 as they pass searchlight signal post 19 and 19B, ground dwarf disc signal 18 in the foreground.May 05, 2014
185-22112 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, Separation Street grade crossing, V/Line down grain train 9123 departing behind a pair of G classes G 534 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1264 leading class leader G 511 serial 84-1239, trailing view looking towards the grain arrivals roads and Gheringhap.May 05, 2014
185-21112 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, Separation Street grade crossing, V/Line down grain train 9123 departing and having collected the electric staff for the Gheringhap section off the signaller at semaphore signal post 16 with motive power of G class G 534 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1264 leading G class leader G 511 serial 84-1239.May 05, 2014
185-20153 viewsNorth Geelong C Signal Box, internal view of the miniature electric staff machine for the Gheringhap section with a staff ready in the hoop for V/Line grain train 9123 visible in the window.May 05, 2014
185-19189 viewsNorth Geelong C Signal Box, internal view of the miniature electric staff machine for the Gheringhap section with a staff ready in the hoop for V/Line grain train 9123 visible in the window.May 05, 2014
185-18146 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, view from signal box balcony of Separation Street grade crossing as V/Line grain loop shunt engines G class G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 and X class X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 lead the final days loaded grain consists past semaphore signal post 14 bound for the grain loop, semaphore signal post 16 and the staff exchange platform are also visible.May 05, 2014
185-17139 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, V/Line light engines, G classes G 534 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1264 leads older sister and class leader G 511 serial 84-1239 as they shunt back into the Sorting Sidings to collect an empty grain train, ground dwarf signal post 18 and point lever for points from Through Road to No.1 Siding are in the foreground.May 05, 2014
185-16175 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, Separation Street grade crossing, V/Line light engines, G class leader G 511 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 84-1239 and younger sister G 534 serial 88-1264 shunt from the Gheringhap line back into North Geelong Yard past semaphore signal post 14, the disc signal can be just seen to be pulled off.May 05, 2014
185-15171 viewsNorth Geelong Yard, V/Line grain loop shunt engines X class locomotive X 41 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-704 long end leading and G class locomotive G 528 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1258 stand in the yard awaiting the road to the arrivals to collect another loaded grain consist.May 05, 2014
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