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Last additions - 0212
212-09253 viewsWeipa, a loaded train from Andoom Mine rounds the curve on approach to Lorim Point behind Comalco R 1004 Clyde Engineering EMD JT26C serial 90-1277 which is former Goldsworthy Mining loco GML 10.Oct 26, 2014
212-10241 viewsWeipa, a loaded train from Andoom Mine rounds the curve on approach to Lorim Point behind Comalco R 1004 Clyde Engineering EMD JT26C serial 90-1277 which is former Goldsworthy Mining loco GML 10.Oct 26, 2014
212-08296 viewsWeipa, a loaded train from Andoom Mine rounds the curve on approach to Lorim Point behind Comalco R 1004 Clyde Engineering EMD JT26C serial 90-1277 which is former Goldsworthy Mining loco GML 10.Oct 26, 2014
212-07264 viewsWeipa, view from the road overbridge looking towards Andoom, the township is located to the left of image.Oct 26, 2014
212-06247 viewsWeipa, RAAF Hercules plane preparing for landing at Scherger Base.Oct 26, 2014
212-05274 viewsWeipa, RAAF Hercules plane preparing for landing at Scherger Base.Oct 26, 2014
212-04253 viewsWeipa, Lorim Point, view of articulated haulpak on haul road from overbridge.Oct 26, 2014
212-03264 viewsWeipa, Lorim Point, view of articulated haulpak on haul road from overbridge.Oct 26, 2014
212-01288 viewsWeipa, view from the road overbridge looking towards the dump station and small yard that is Lorim Point, the dump station is in the far distance.Oct 26, 2014
212-02276 viewsWeipa, view from the road overbridge looking towards the dump station and small yard that is Lorim Point, the dump station is in the far distance.Oct 26, 2014
30 files on 2 page(s) 2

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