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| Pacific National Consist and Waggon imagesFolders of PN intermodal waggons and entire consists images arranged by train then date. Waggon details where provided are from various sources including my own observations and records, John Beckhaus, PJ Vincent, ComRails and NSW Goods Rollingstock and various other online sources.
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| SCT Consist and Waggon imagesFolders of SCT's interstate services waggons and entire consists images arranged by train then date. Wagon details where provided are from various sources including my own observations and records, ComRails and PJ Vincent's websites. |
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738 |


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160609 042379 viewsWoodbridge, 5PM5 intermodal train, RRXY 9 platform 3 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a 53' Patrick automobile box A 033 with a 40' Linfox half height side door unit LSDU 694007 on top.

160525 4562123 viewsParkeston, SCT train 3PG1 which operates from Perth to Parkes NSW (Goobang Junction), PBHY type covered van PBHY 0048 Greater Freighter, one of a second batch of thirty units built by Gemco WA without the Greater Freighter signage.

212-29236 viewsWeipa, Mission River road and rail bridge from the Andoom and rail side with an empty train headed by Comalco unit R 1004 purchased off BHP Iron Ore in 1994 is a Clyde Engineering built EMD model JT42C built in 1990 with serial 90-1277. July 1995.

160526 523387 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 4PM6 intermodal train, RRDY 119 container waggon with a 40' Railroad Transport curtainsider RTPC 4002 and a 20' Jamieson built Titan tanktainer. Unsure of the history of these RRDY class waggons, they appear to be SAR Islington built FQX type waggons.
