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Home > Interstate negative and digital Albums > Pacific National Consist and Waggon images > 5SP5_160528

160528 8329124 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train departs Parkeston behind a pair of Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class units NR 65 serial 7250-11/96-267 and NR 92 serial 7250-05/97-291.
160528 8330102 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train departs Parkeston behind a pair of Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class units NR 65 serial 7250-11/96-267 and NR 92 serial 7250-05/97-291.
160528 8331101 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 65 serial 7250-11/96-267, originally built for National Rail now in current owner Pacific National livery.
160528 833287 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 92 serial 7250-05/97-291, originally built for National Rail now in current owner Pacific National livery.
160528 833391 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 65 serial 7250-11/96-267, originally built for National Rail now in current owner Pacific National livery.
160528 8334106 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 92 serial 7250-05/97-291, originally built for National Rail now in current owner Pacific National livery.
160528 8335100 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, crew accommodation coach RZAY 283, built by Comeng NSW in 1972 as type ARJ, stainless steel air conditioned first class roomette sleeping car, converted by AN Rail Port Augusta Workshops in 1997 to RZAY.
160528 833698 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RRQY 8517 5-pack RRQY articulated skel waggon, built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works China in 2013 loaded with a mix of 20' and 48' boxes.
160528 8337102 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RRDY type 60' container waggon RRDY 77 appears to be a former SAR FQX / AQCX type waggon. Loaded with a GVC 42G1 type box GVCU 402624 and an old Cronos 2EG1 type box.
160528 8338100 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RQSY type 60' container waggon RQSY 35009, built in a batch of one hundred as OCY type container waggons by Goninan NSW in 1975. Recoded to NQOY, then to National Rail in 1994. Loaded with three 20' containers, Linfox 20' 2EG9 type FSWB 963517 and two Royal Wolf 25G1 types, RWTU 963105 and RWPU 202565. 28th of May 2016.
160528 8339107 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RRQY 8523 the final unit of a batch of twenty five five pack articulated waggon sets built in 2015 by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works in China. Seen here loaded with a 40' flat rack with a John Stepnell Transport tarped load, 48' Toll TCML 48533, 40' flatrack and two 40 ' containers.
160528 8340154 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RRZY 7031, originally built by Goninan NSW during 1995/95 as part of thirty four sets of five unit bar coupled well container waggons coded RQZY, recoded to RRZY as repairs were carried out to strengthen them. Loaded with 48' containers, five for FCL FBCU conatiners and one Linfox DRC 931.
160528 8341120 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RRZY 7031 platform 4, originally built by Goninan NSW during 1995/95 as part of thirty four sets of five unit bar coupled well container waggons coded RQZY, recoded to RRZY as repairs were carried out to strengthen them. With FCL commemorative 48' container FBGU 480031 which was the first official double-stacked container from Parkes to Perth 22 May 1997, now relegated to single stacked...
160528 8342102 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RRZY 7031 platform 4, originally built by Goninan NSW during 1995/95 as part of thirty four sets of five unit bar coupled well container waggons coded RQZY, recoded to RRZY as repairs were carried out to strengthen them. With FCL commemorative 48' container FBGU 480031 which was the first official double-stacked container from Parkes to Perth 22 May 1997, now relegated to single stacked...
160528 8343104 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RRZY 7031, originally built by Goninan NSW during 1995/95 as part of thirty four sets of five unit bar coupled well container waggons coded RQZY, recoded to RRZY as repairs were carried out to strengthen them. Loaded with 48' containers, five for FCL FBCU conatiners and one Linfox DRC 931.
160528 8344109 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RRKY container waggon RRKY 4302, originally built as an RMX type 63' flat waggon by Perry Engineering SA in 1975. Recoded to AQMX, then AQMY and RQMY. Loaded with a Linfox 40' flat rack FCCU 4010# with a tarped load.
160528 8345105 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RQSY type 60' container waggon RQSY 34970, built in a batch of one hundred as OCY type container waggons by Goninan NSW in 1975. Recoded to NQOY, then to National Rail in 1994. Loaded with FCL 48' box FBGU 480668.
160528 8346101 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RLSY 18658 in Sadleirs traffic, recoded from RLUY. One of one hundred and fifty built by Comeng NSW as the KLY type louvre vans in 1975/76. Transferred to National Rail in 1994 and recoded from NLKY / NLUY.
160528 8347103 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RLUY 18574 in Sadleirs traffic. One of one hundred and fifty built by Comeng NSW as the KLY type louvre vans in 1975/76. Transferred to National Rail in 1994 and recoded from NLKY / NLUY.
160528 834897 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RLSY 18657 in Sadleirs traffic, recoded from RLUY. One of one hundred and fifty built by Comeng NSW as the KLY type louvre vans in 1975/76. Transferred to National Rail in 1994 and recoded from NLKY / NLUY.
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