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Last additions - 030406
030406 090159224 viewsKarkoo, station located at 93.6 km, originally opened February 1914 and closed in August 1980, this former loading ramp being all that remains today, 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 084715241 viewsTooligie, station yard overview looking north from the south end points, point lever and indicator, silo complex and outflow spouts on the left, old ballast pile on the right, former siding to the right of the mainline can still be made out for ballast loading site, 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 084652227 viewsTooligie, track view looking south from the south end points of yard, point lever and indicator, Tooligie Rd grade crossing, 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 084446223 viewsTooligie, yard view looking across mainline to siding and loading ramp, weighbridge scale room in the right background. 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 084350229 viewsTooligie, elevation view of the concrete style silo complex and outflow spout, Block 1, station train control cabin and loading ramp visible on the left. 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 083954230 viewsTooligie, yard overview looking south from the north end points, point lever and indicator, Ascom style silo complex with outflow hopper and spout, Block 2, with concrete silo complex, Block 1, beside them. 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 084217232 viewsTooligie, station located at the 113.4 km, originally opened May 1913, train control cabin and waiting room - shelter with station name board, 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 082802230 viewsMurdinga, track view looking south across the grade crossing for Murlong Rd, points, indicator and lever, 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 082752230 viewsMurdinga, yard overview looking north from the south end with the grain loop branching off on the right, concrete silo complex with horizontal grain shed and Ascom style steel silo complexes with outflow spout and gantry visible. 6th April 2003Jan 27, 2015
030406 082605243 viewsMurdinga, yard view looking south, typical track condition with short bolted rail lengths, grade crossing for Murlong Rd in the distance. 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 082620232 viewsMurdinga, station located at the 128.2 km, originally opened December 1935 and originally referred to as Corunna, front elevation view of train control cabin and waiting room - shelter with station name board, 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 082550231 viewsMurdinga, station located at the 128.2 km, originally opened December 1935 and originally referred to as Corunna, train control cabin and waiting room - shelter with station name board, 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 082337235 viewsMurdinga, yard overview looking south down the mainline from the north end, points and point lever and indicator with Pope Searle, grain siding and silo complex with out-loading spout on gantry over both tracks. 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 082324232 viewsMurdinga, yard overview looking south down the mainline from the north end, with grain siding and silo complex with outflow spout on gantry over both tracks. 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
030406 081444258 viewsMurdinga, looking north from the north end, 6th April 2003.Jan 27, 2015
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