Last additions - 030409 |

030409 083147240 viewsKyancutta, view of the Eyre Highway grade crossing protected by 'F' type flashing lights, the searchlight signal 2 is one of only three on the Eyre Peninsula system, it is to allow Up trains to enter and shunt the yard.Jan 27, 2015

030409 083158223 viewsKyancutta, station located at the 203.1 km and originally opened in March 1916, yard overview looking north, grain loop, mainline and goods / grain loop, Ascom silo complex on the left and SACBH concrete silo complex on the right.Jan 27, 2015

030409 081026259 viewsWarramboo, empty grain train powers away towards Kyancutta behind DA class DA 7 leading two 830 class units 872 and 871.Jan 27, 2015

030409 081031236 viewsWarramboo, empty grain train powers away towards Kyancutta behind DA class DA 7 leading two 830 class units 872 and 871.Jan 27, 2015

030409 081011248 viewsWarramboo, third unit 830 class 871 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3422-01 was delivered new to the Eyre Peninsula in January 1966.Jan 27, 2015

030409 081007236 viewsWarramboo, cab side shot of 830 class unit 872 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3422-02 was delivered new to the Eyre Peninsula in March 1966.Jan 27, 2015

030409 081001243 viewsWarramboo, cab side shot of rebuild DA class unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery shows its original heritage body style of an NSWGR 48 class 4813 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 83713, rebuilt by Islington Workshops SA with long hood and parts from former 830 class 870 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G6016-06 in 1998.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080951242 viewsWarramboo, second unit on the empty grain train 830 class unit 872 an AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3422-02 was delivered new to the Eyre Peninsula in March 1966 with sister unit 871 trailing along with the motley collection of grain waggons.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080852252 viewsWarramboo, empty grain departs following a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leads a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871, the SACBH concrete silo and Ascom silo complexes behind it.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080908237 viewsWarramboo, empty grain departs following a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leads a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871, the SACBH concrete silo and Ascom silo complexes behind it.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080822245 viewsWarramboo, empty grain prepares to get underway following a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leads a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871, the relieved crew in the car with the long disused station building on the left and the SACBH concrete silo complex on the right rounding out the scene.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080811330 viewsWarramboo, empty grain prepares to get underway following a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leads a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871, the relieved crew in the car with the long disused station building on the left and the SACBH concrete silo complex on the right rounding out the scene.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080717248 viewsWarramboo, empty grain prepares to get underway following a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leads a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871, the relieved crew get in their car with the SACBH concrete silo complex behind.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080651254 viewsWarramboo, empty grain prepares to get underway following a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leads a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871, the relieved crew get in their car with the SACBH concrete silo complex behind.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080705238 viewsWarramboo, empty grain prepares to get underway following a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leads a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871, the long disused station building at left and the SACBH concrete silo complex behind.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080113239 viewsWarramboo, empty grain train stopped for a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery shows its original heritage body style of an NSWGR 48 class 4813 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 83713, rebuilt by Islington Workshops SA with long hood and parts from former 830 class 870 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G6016-06 in 1998.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080120242 viewsWarramboo, empty grain train stopped for a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery shows its original heritage body style of an NSWGR 48 class 4813 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 83713, rebuilt by Islington Workshops SA with long hood and parts from former 830 class 870 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G6016-06 in 1998.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080106247 viewsWarramboo, empty grain train arrives just after 0800 and stops for a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leads a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871.Jan 27, 2015

030409 080101261 viewsWarramboo, empty grain train arrives just after 0800 and stops for a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leads a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871 framed between the station building and the SACBH concrete silo complex.Jan 27, 2015