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Last additions - 0225
225-2986 viewsBing siding backtrack, Tomlinson WA built GML ore waggon 8104 loaded with ballast, side view. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-2880 viewsBing siding backtrack, Difco USA built short side dump waggon 4 loaded with rip rap, originally built for GML traffic in 1966, side view. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-2777 viewsBing siding backtrack, a ballast consist of 17 GML bottom discharge waggons and 6 Difco side dump rip rap waggons, possibly an 'emergency' ballast train for the GML line following flood damage. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-2677 views24.1 km grade crossing on the Newman line, empty train racing off into the distance. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-2578 viewsAt the 24.1 km grade crossing on the BHP Newman line the end of the afternoon Yandi train is seen heading south with last waggon 4305, one of 126 such waggons constructed during 1997 out of 3CR12 stainless steel in an effort to eliminate painting and to reduce wear on the waggon body. This design was designated HC7081. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-2480 viewsAt the 24.1 km grade crossing on the BHP Newman line, General Electric AC6000 model unit 6073 serial 51065 built at GE Erie is the mid-train remote for the afternoon empty Yandi mine train as it heads south. This was before the units were named. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-2367 viewsAt the 24.1 km grade crossing on the BHP Newman line, the afternoon departure for Yandi mine heads south behind the standard double General Electric AC6000 units with GE Erie built 6075 serial 51067 second unit to lead sister unit 6074 with another AC6000 unit mid-train. This was before the units were named. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-2265 viewsAt the 24.1 km grade crossing on the BHP Newman line, the afternoon departure for Yandi mine heads south behind the standard double General Electric AC6000 units with GE Erie built 6075 serial 51067 second unit to lead sister unit 6074 with another AC6000 unit mid-train. This was before the units were named. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-2178 viewsAt the 24.1 km grade crossing on the BHP Newman line, the afternoon departure for Yandi mine heads south behind the standard double General Electric AC6000 units with GE Erie built 6075 serial 51067 second unit to lead sister unit 6074 with another AC6000 unit mid-train. This was before the units were named. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-2084 viewsAt the 24.1 km grade crossing on the BHP Newman line, General Electric AC6000 model unit 6074 serial 51066 built at GE Erie leads the afternoon empty Yandi mine train as it heads south. This was before the units were named. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-1995 viewsAt the 24.1 km grade crossing on the BHP Newman line, the afternoon departure for Yandi mine heads south behind the standard double General Electric AC6000 units with GE Erie built 6074 serial 51066 leading sister unit 6075 with another AC6000 unit mid-train. This was before the units were named. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-1884 viewsAt the 24.1 km grade crossing on the BHP Newman line, the afternoon departure for Yandi mine heads south behind the standard double General Electric AC6000 units with GE Erie built 6074 serial 51066 leading sister unit 6075 with another AC6000 unit mid-train. This was before the units were named. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-1797 viewsAt the 24.1 km grade crossing on the BHP Newman line, the afternoon departure for Yandi mine heads south behind the standard double General Electric AC6000 units with GE Erie built 6074 serial 51066 leading sister unit 6075 with another AC6000 unit mid-train. This was before the units were named. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-1686 viewsAt the 24.1 km grade crossing on the BHP Newman line, the afternoon departure for Yandi mine heads south behind the standard double General Electric AC6000 units with another AC6000 unit mid-train. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-1585 viewsAt the 24.1 km grade crossing on the BHP Newman line, the afternoon departure for Yandi mine heads south behind the standard double General Electric AC6000 units with another AC6000 unit mid-train. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-1096 viewsBing siding, looking south, signal post BGN 3 arrival signal for south bound movements, empty train heading south, CM40-8M light engine on approach. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-1496 viewsBing siding at the 17 km, Goninan rebuild CM40-8MEFI GE loco 5669 'Beilun' serial 8412-02 / 95-160 was the last Dash 8 built for BHP Iron Ore, heading into Nelson Point, note the CCTV camera mounted under the radiator wing as a trial for single man crewing when long end leading. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-13101 viewsBing siding, looking south, signal post BGN 3 arrival signal for south bound movements, empty train heading south, 5669 'Beilun' serial 8412-02 / 95-160 was the final Dash 8 rebuilt for BHP Iron Ore by Goninan as a CM40-8MEFI GE rebuilt from an ALCo, light engine on approach. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-1286 viewsBing siding, looking south, signal post BGN 3 arrival signal for south bound movements, empty train heading south, 5669 'Beilun' serial 8412-02 / 95-160 was the final Dash 8 rebuilt for BHP Iron Ore by Goninan as a CM40-8MEFI GE rebuilt from an ALCo, light engine on approach. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
225-1191 viewsBing siding, looking south, signal post BGN 3 arrival signal for south bound movements, empty train heading south, 5669 'Beilun' serial 8412-02 / 95-160 was the final Dash 8 rebuilt for BHP Iron Ore by Goninan as a CM40-8MEFI GE rebuilt from an ALCo, light engine on approach. GeoData.Oct 28, 2015
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