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Last additions - Current_Wittenoom_Images
160101 DJI 0004154 viewsWittenoom Gorge, looking north from fifth crossing, pool in Joffre Creek. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016
160101 DJI 0002171 viewsWittenoom Gorge, looking north across fourth crossing back along Bolitho Rd, pool in Joffre Creek. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9810154 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, concrete footings and foundations for the now removed milling plant, drive visible in the background, looking north east. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9809151 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, concrete footings and foundations for the now removed milling plant, drive visible in the background. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9808159 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, concrete footings and foundations for the now removed milling plant, drive visible in the background. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9807153 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, looking north west, at the old waggon dump area and workshops. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9806144 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, looking north, the drive is visible cutting through to the right. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9805151 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, looking north, the line of the drive is visible and in the middle background is adit #6. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9804150 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, looking north west, at the old waggon dump area and workshops. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9803144 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, old building slabs and foundations looking east. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9802159 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, old building slabs and foundations looking east. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9801150 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, looking east along the north wall with the drive line to the adits, old rails embedded in track. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9800146 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, looking east along the north wall with the drive line to the adits. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9799152 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, view of old plant footings looking down from third level. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9798146 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, view of old plant footings on second level. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9797154 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, view of the eastern wall of the gorge shows pool in Joffre Creek. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9795163 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, view of the eastern wall of the gorge shows cat walks were exploration has taken place. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9796161 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, view of the eastern wall of the gorge shows pool in Joffre Creek. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9794160 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, mine adit 3 is behind this pile of rubble. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016
160101 9793162 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, concrete slab of former building located along the mine railway, adit 3 is behind the pile of rubble. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016
165 files on 9 page(s) 6

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