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Last additions - 0243
243-1690 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM40-8M unit 5634 'Boodarie' a Goninan WA GE rebuild unit serial 8151-07 / 91-120 in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as it heads up an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-1784 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM40-8M unit 5634 'Boodarie' a Goninan WA GE rebuild unit serial 8151-07 / 91-120 in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as it heads up an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-1589 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM40-8M unit 5634 'Boodarie' a Goninan WA GE rebuild unit serial 8151-07 / 91-120 in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as it heads up an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-1492 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM39-8 unit 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079 and built new by Goninan in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as it trails an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-1398 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM40-8M unit 5634 'Boodarie' a Goninan WA GE rebuild unit serial 8151-07 / 91-120 in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as it heads up an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-1286 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM39-8 unit 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079 and built new by Goninan in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as it trails an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-1194 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM39-8 unit 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079 and built new by Goninan in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as it trails an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-1085 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM39-8 unit 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079 and built new by Goninan trails CM40-8M unit 5634 both in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as they head up an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-0995 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM39-8 unit 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079 and built new by Goninan trails CM40-8M unit 5634 both in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as they head up an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-0876 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM40-8M unit 5634 'Boodarie' a Goninan WA GE rebuild unit serial 8151-07 / 91-120 in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as it heads up an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-0784 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM39-8 unit 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079 and built new by Goninan trails CM40-8M unit 5634 both in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as they head up an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-0692 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM39-8 unit 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079 and built new by Goninan trails CM40-8M unit 5634 both in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as they head up an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-0580 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM39-8 unit 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079 and built new by Goninan trails CM40-8M unit 5634 both in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as they head up an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-0474 viewsNelson Point departure yard, BHP Billiton's CM39-8 unit 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079 and built new by Goninan trails CM40-8M unit 5634 both in the new 'earth' or 'bubble' livery as they head up an empty train waiting departure time. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-0384 viewsPort Hedland, Don Rhodes Mining Museum, preserved locomotives from the early days of the Port Hedland iron ore miners of Goldsworthy Mining and Mt Newman Mining. From left is Mt Newman Mining 5497, a Comeng NSW built M636 ALCo unit, Mt Newman Mining 5451 which was built by EMD as an F7A model and started life with Western Pacific in the USA and Goldsworthy Mining B class unit #2 built by English Electric serial number A-105. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-0169 viewsPort Hedland, Don Rhodes Mining Museum, preserved Mt Newman Mining Comeng NSW built ALCo M636 unit 5497 serial C6096-2 stands in the morning sunlight. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
243-0285 viewsPort Hedland, Don Rhodes Mining Museum, preserved Mt Newman Mining Comeng NSW built ALCo M636 unit 5497 serial C6096-2 stands in the morning sunlight. August 2003.Sep 19, 2019
37 files on 2 page(s) 2

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