Last additions - 01-06_2018 |

180616 1679161 viewsCooya Pooya, instrumented ore waggon 1031, part of a second batch of extra 'J' waggons built by Bradken in September 2008 and painted rather than the plain steel finish. Solar panels adorn the waggon sides. 16th June 2018. GeoData.Jun 24, 2018

180616 1678146 viewsCooya Pooya, located just south of the 32 km post, a loaded Mesa A train waggon 817, a Centurion Industries WA build, has managed to pull the coupler completely out of waggon 425 a Tomlinson Steel WA built waggon. 16th June 2018. GeoData.
Photo by Roland Depth.Jun 24, 2018

180616 1674137 viewsCooya Pooya, located just south of the 32 km post, a loaded Mesa A train waggon 817, a Centurion Industries WA build, has managed to pull the coupler completely out of waggon 425 a Tomlinson Steel WA built waggon. 16th June 2018. GeoData.
Photo by Roland Depth.Jun 24, 2018

180616 1668139 viewsCooya Pooya, at the 32 km on the Cape Lambert line a loaded HIY train on the East Mainline led by Rio Tinto loco 8142 with serial 58723 a GE Erie built GE model ES44DCi from the 3rd order in Rio Tinto Stripes livery as it powers past the disabled train stabled on the West Mainline with sister 8158 and Dash 9-44CW 9428 assisting 8142. 16th June 2018. GeoData.
Toad Montgomery image.Jun 24, 2018

180616 1664150 viewsCooya Pooya, 32 km on the Cape Lambert line, Rio Tinto loco 9103 with serial 61941 a GE Erie built GE model ES44ACi from the 1st order in Rio Tinto Stripes livery and 9108 serial 62539 are tied down on the West Mainline following a total loss of air. The train pulled a coupling around the 45 car position. 16th June 2018. GeodataJun 24, 2018

180616 1662193 viewsCooya Pooya, instrumented ore waggon 1024, a Bradken built 'J' waggon with a build date from January 2006. The solar panels are mounted along each side. 16th June, 2018.Jun 24, 2018

180616 1660142 viewsCooya Pooya, 32 km on the Cape Lambert line, Rio Tinto loco 9108 with serial 62539 a GE Erie built GE model ES44ACi from the 2nd order in Rio Tinto Stripes livery side view, following a total loss of air, the train is tied down while the driver walks the consist. The train pulled a coupling around the 45 car position. 16th June 2018. GeodataJun 24, 2018

180616 1659181 viewsCooya Pooya, 32 km on the Cape Lambert line, Rio Tinto loco 9103 with serial 61941 a GE Erie built GE model ES44ACi from the 1st order in Rio Tinto Stripes livery side view, following a total loss of air, the locomotive's hose bag is chained to the rail in case of movement. The train pulled a coupling around the 45 car position. 16th June 2018. GeodataJun 24, 2018

180616 1657185 viewsCooya Pooya, 32 km on the Cape Lambert line, Rio Tinto loco 9103 with serial 61941 a GE Erie built GE model ES44ACi from the 1st order in Rio Tinto Stripes livery is 'tied down' to the mainline following a total loss of air, the locomotive's hose bag can be seen chained to the rail in case of movement. The train pulled a coupling around the 45 car position. 16th June 2018. GeodataJun 24, 2018

180615 1625151 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP stabled rail or steel train holds the former Goldsworthy mainline between the junction and Node 1 due to upgrading track works within the flash butt yard behind Electro-Motive Diesel built SD70ACe 4360 serial 20098203-005 in late afternoon light. 15th June 2018. GeoData.
Photo by Roland Depth.Jun 24, 2018

180615 1607127 viewsWalla Siding, BHP ballast waggon 0207 built from JFE410RW steel by CNR QRRS China. 15th June 2018. Roland Depth image.Jun 24, 2018

180615 1579118 viewsWalla Siding, BHP took delivery of two new ballast ploughs in December 2017. They were built by CRRC Yangtze China in 2017 and weigh in at 65 tonnes. The ploughs are numbered BP 01 and BP 02. We finally caught up with them top and tail on a ballast consist, here's BP 01.
Roland Depth photo.Jun 24, 2018

180615 1575128 viewsWalla Siding, BHP ballast waggon 0226 built from JFE410RW steel by CNR QRRS China. 15th June 2018. Roland Depth image.Jun 24, 2018

180615 1555122 viewsWalla Siding, BHP Billiton mid-train units 4396 serial 20118575-006 and 4436 serial 20128866-005 both SD70ACe units built by Progress Rail, Muncie USA. 15th June 2018.Jun 24, 2018

180615 1574124 viewsWalla Siding, BHP took delivery of two new ballast ploughs in December 2017. They were built by CRRC Yangtze China in 2017 and weigh in at 65 tonnes. The ploughs are numbered BP 01 and BP 02. We finally caught up with them top and tail on a ballast consist, here's BP 02.
Roland Depth photo.Jun 24, 2018

180615 1520155 viewsWalla Siding, another named Progress Rail built EMD SD70ACe model 4478 'Ivan Butson' serial 20148001-011. 15th June 2018.
Toad Montgomery photo.Jun 24, 2018

180615 1518142 viewsWalla Siding, another named Progress Rail built EMD SD70ACe model 4478 'Ivan Butson' serial 20148001-011 leads sister 4467 with a loaded train. 15th June 2018.Jun 24, 2018

180615 1513138 viewsIndee Station road grade crossing 53.3 km, loaded Roy Hill mid-train units General Electric built ES44ACi model RHA 1014 serial 62586 and sister unit RHA 1004. GeoData. 15th June 2018.Jun 24, 2018

180615 1507140 viewsIndee Station road grade crossing 53.3 km, loaded Roy Hill train behind General Electric built ES44ACi model RHA 1007 serial 62579 and sister unit RHA 1010 with the mid-train units visible in the distance. GeoData. 15th June 2018.Jun 24, 2018

180615 1496203 viewsMooka Yard, side view of named BHP's Progress Rail built EMD SD70ACe unit 4486 'Jenny Parkinson' serial 20148001-019. 15th June 2018.
Roland Depth photo.Jun 24, 2018