Last additions - 6MP4_160522 |

160522 2150132 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQPW 60076 jumbo container waggon built by V/Line Bendigo Workshops in October 1984 as VQDW 68 as part of a batch of twenty-five, leased to the SRA NSW in 1986 as NQDW, then recoded in 1995 to RQPW, loaded with Pacific National 48' curtainsider container PNXC 5631.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2149114 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 5 of 5 on RRQY 7323 5 pack articulated skel waggon set built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works China in 2005 for Pacific National, with a 48' container of the owner PNXD 4222.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2148116 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 4 of 5 on RRQY 7323 5 pack articulated skel waggon set built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works China in 2005 for Pacific National, with a 48' reefer of the owner PNXR 4913.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2146106 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 2 of 5 on RRQY 7323 5 pack articulated skel waggon set built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works China in 2005 for Pacific National, with a 48' container of the owner PNXD 012.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2147121 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 3 of 5 on RRQY 7323 5 pack articulated skel waggon set built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works China in 2005 for Pacific National, with a curtainsider container of the owner PNXC 4492.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2145118 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 1 of 5 on RRQY 7323 5 pack articulated skel waggon set built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works China in 2005 for Pacific National, with a curtainsider container of the owner PNXC 5632.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2144112 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 1 of 5 pack RRGY 7123 5 pack articulated skel waggon set, originally built as RRBY by AN Rail at Islington Workshops SA 1996-97, 40' deck with a Cronos 20' bulk container TINB 122901.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2143117 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 2 of 5 pack RRGY 7123 5 pack articulated skel waggon set, originally built as RRBY by AN Rail at Islington Workshops SA 1996-97, recoded when decks rebuilt longer, 48' deck with a Pacific National 48' curtainsider container PNXM 4543.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2141111 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 4 of 5 pack RRGY 7123 5 pack articulated skel waggon set, originally built as RRBY by AN Rail at Islington Workshops SA 1996-97, recoded when decks rebuilt longer, 48' deck with a Pacific National 48' curtainsider container PNXC 5657.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2142118 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 3 of 5 pack RRGY 7123 5 pack articulated skel waggon set, originally built as RRBY by AN Rail at Islington Workshops SA 1996-97, recoded when decks rebuilt longer, 48' deck with a Pacific National 48' container PNXD 4211.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2140125 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 5 of 5 pack RRGY 7123 5 pack articulated skel waggon set, originally built as RRBY by AN Rail at Islington Workshops SA 1996-97, 40' deck with a Direct Logistics tanktainer DLGU 211253 and a blue box FPA 17.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2139106 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 5 of 5-pack RRRY 7016 well waggon set, one of nineteen built in China at Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works for Goninan in 2005 with Toll 48' container TDDS 48645.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2138121 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 4 of 5-pack RRRY 7016 well waggon set, one of nineteen built in China at Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works for Goninan in 2005 with Toll 48' container TCML 48439.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2137118 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 3 of 5-pack RRRY 7016 well waggon set, one of nineteen built in China at Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works for Goninan in 2005 with Toll 48' container TDDS 48642.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2136119 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 2 of 5-pack RRRY 7016 well waggon set, one of nineteen built in China at Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works for Goninan in 2005 with Linfox reefer FCAD 9106113 and Toll half height curtainsider container 5TC216Jun 27, 2016

160522 2135129 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, platform 1 of 5-pack RRRY 7016 well waggon set, one of nineteen built in China at Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works for Goninan in 2005 with Toll 48' container TDDS 48608.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2133132 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, 5-pack low profile skel waggon set RRYY 52, the last of 52 such waggons built by Bradken at Braemar NSW in 2004-05, loaded with 48' containers looking from platform 5.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2134121 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, 5-pack low profile skel waggon set RRYY 52, the last of 52 such waggons built by Bradken at Braemar NSW in 2004-05, platform 1 of 5 loaded with Toll 48' container TDDS 48634.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2132119 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRKY 2688 container waggon, built by Perry Engineering SA in 1974 as RM, to AQMY, AQPY, RQKY. With a CPIU 784438 bulk container and an Simon FD flatrack with Simon tarp.Jun 27, 2016

160522 2131125 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQSY 34969 container waggon, one of one hundred built in 1975 by A Goninan in NSW, loaded with Air Liquide WA ALJU 500361 argon refrigerated liquid container and Jayde JAYD 4009 curtainsider.Jun 27, 2016