Last additions - 2PM6_160524 |

160524 382990 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RRZY 7028 5-pack well container set rounds the curve on the mainline through West Kalgoorlie yard.Jun 27, 2016

160524 382882 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RRZY type five unit bar coupled well container waggon set RRZY 7028 platform 5, originally built by Goninan in a batch of twenty six as RQZY type for National Rail, recoded when repaired. Loaded with a 48' FCL container FBGU 480327 [5] double stacked with Autotrans 53' car container AB 036.Jun 27, 2016

160524 382776 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RRZY type five unit bar coupled well container waggon set RRZY 7028 platform 4, originally built by Goninan in a batch of twenty six as RQZY type for National Rail, recoded when repaired. Loaded with a Railroad Transport 40 4EG1 type container RTPU 4021 double stacked with Linfox 53' car container DRC 371.Jun 27, 2016

160524 382480 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RRZY type five unit bar coupled well container waggon set RRZY 7028 platform 1, originally built by Goninan in a batch of twenty six as RQZY type for National Rail, recoded when repaired. Loaded with an SCF 40' half height side door container SCFU 607079 [5] double stacked with Toll 53' car container AB 031.Jun 27, 2016

160524 382676 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RRZY type five unit bar coupled well container waggon set RRZY 7028 platform 3, originally built by Goninan in a batch of twenty six as RQZY type for National Rail, recoded when repaired. Loaded with a RAND Refrigerated Logistics 46' MFR1 type reefer RAND 236 double stacked with an SCF 40' container SCFU 406046 [3].Jun 27, 2016

160524 382578 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RRZY type five unit bar coupled well container waggon set RRZY 7028 platform 2, originally built by Goninan in a batch of twenty six as RQZY type for National Rail, recoded when repaired. Loaded with a plain RAND 46' reefer RAND 308.Jun 27, 2016

160524 382383 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQZY 7041 platform 1 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail loaded with a Linfox 48' container DRC 917 double stacked with a Toll 53' car container AB 032.Jun 27, 2016

160524 382282 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQZY 7041 platform 2 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail loaded with an ARLS 46' RFRG type reefer ARLS 505.Jun 27, 2016

160524 382186 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQZY 7041 platform 3 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail loaded with a Linfox 48' MFR3 type reefer FCAD 9106107.Jun 27, 2016

160524 382076 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQZY 7041 platform 4 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail loaded with a RAND Refrigerated Logistics 46' MPR1 Type reefer RAND 135 double stacked with an ARLS 46' RFRG type reefer ARLS 491.Jun 27, 2016

160524 381973 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQZY 7041 platform 5 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail loaded with a Toll 40' 4FG1 type container TRRC 410624 [4] double stacked with Cronos 40' 4EG1 type container CRXU 093445 [9].Jun 27, 2016

160524 381880 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQSY 34979 container flat waggon originally built by Goninan NSW in a batch of one hundred OCY type in 1975, recoded to NQOY, the modified to NQSY. Loaded with a K&S 40' flatrack KHS 400635 with Wesbeam timber products.Jun 27, 2016

160524 381674 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQZY 7045 platform 1 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail loaded with Linfox 48' MFG1 container DRC 455 double stacked with RAND Refrigerated Logistics 46' MFR1 type reefer RAND 378.Jun 27, 2016

160524 381782 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQFY 119 container waggon, built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in 1980 as a batch of seventy five VQFX type skeletal container waggons, recoded to VQFY in 1985, recoded in April 1994 RQFY, May 1995 to RQFF and 2CM bogies fitted August 1995.Jun 27, 2016

160524 381577 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQZY 7045 platform 2 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail loaded with Linfox 48' MFG1 container DRC 529 double stacked with RAND Refrigerated Logistics 46' MFR1 type reefer RAND 254.Jun 27, 2016

160524 381481 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQZY 7045 platform 3 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail loaded with Toll 48' container MEG1 type TCML 48558 double stacked with Linfox 46' MFR3 type reefer FCAD 910614 [7].Jun 27, 2016

160524 381383 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQZY 7045 platform 4 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail loaded with a Sadleirs 40' 4EG1 type container RCS 4125 double stacked with Austrans branded Sea2Rail 40' 4EG1 type container SCFU 408055 [7].Jun 27, 2016

160524 3812128 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQZY 7045 platform 5 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail loaded with two Toll 48' containers MEG1 type TCML 48595 and TERF 48061 ex Macfield.Jun 27, 2016

160524 381182 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RQAY 21894 container waggon, one of a hundred waggons built in 1981 by EPT NSW as type NQAY, recoded to RQAY in 1994. Loaded with a K&S 40' flat rack KHS 400820.Jun 27, 2016

160524 381074 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, RRKY 4324 container flat waggon originally built by Perry Engineering SA in 1976 as part of a batch of one hundred and fifty RMX type waggons for the Commonwealth Railways, recoded to AQMX, in 1987 to AQSY, then RQKY. Loaded with two CIMC Tank built 20' ISO 22K2 type tanktainers for Eurotainers, EURU 191850 [0] and 114494 [9] both with ammonium nitrate emulsion.Jun 27, 2016
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