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Home > Interstate negative and digital Albums > Pacific National Consist and Waggon images > 6MP4_160529

Last additions - 6MP4_160529
160529 884476 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQQY 7076Jun 27, 2016
160529 884377 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQQY 7076Jun 27, 2016
160529 884275 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQQY 7076Jun 27, 2016
160529 884193 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQQY 7076Jun 27, 2016
160529 884080 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRKY 4337Jun 27, 2016
160529 883974 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQJY 4Jun 27, 2016
160529 883872 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQJY 4Jun 27, 2016
160529 883770 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQJY 4Jun 27, 2016
160529 883677 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQJY 4Jun 27, 2016
160529 883564 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQJY 4Jun 27, 2016
160529 883485 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRXY 3 platform 1 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a 40' Rail Containers box SCFU TSPD 412256.Jun 27, 2016
160529 883384 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRXY 3 platform 2 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a 40' Rail Containers box SCFU 410204 in the well and 48' Pacific National box PNXL 4301 on top.Jun 27, 2016
160529 883282 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRXY 3 platform 3 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a 48' Royal Wolf box RWTU 922010.Jun 27, 2016
160529 883182 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRXY 3 platform 4 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a 40' Railroad Transport box RTPU 4028 in the well and 40' SCF half height side door SCFU 607063 on top.Jun 27, 2016
160529 883089 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRXY 3 platform 5 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a 46' ARLS reefer ARLS 465.Jun 27, 2016
160529 882985 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRKY 2050Jun 27, 2016
160529 882876 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQFY 75 container waggon, built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in 1980 as a batch of seventy five VQFX type skeletal container waggons, recoded to VQFY c1985, then RQFY May 1994, May 1995 to RQFF, then 2CM bogies fitted in Aug 1995 and current code Nov 1995.Jun 27, 2016
160529 882783 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRGY 7144Jun 27, 2016
160529 882672 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRGY 7144Jun 27, 2016
160529 882575 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRGY 7144Jun 27, 2016
107 files on 6 page(s) 2

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