Last additions - 0151 |

151-05151 viewsGheringhap, broad gauge V/Line VOJF type bogie open gypsum waggon VOJF 24 in B Sidings awaiting unloading. The VOJF type waggons were conversions from ELF/ELX types, not much more is known on the histories.Apr 30, 2014

151-04134 viewsGheringhap signal post one, down distant with motorised operator visible.Apr 30, 2014

151-03119 viewsGheringhap, view from Geelong end of newly extended A Siding into a loop road, looking toward Gheringhap, points spiked for straight.Apr 30, 2014

151-02133 viewsGheringhap, insulated rail joint in mainline at site of points for Siding A extension to a loop, near down distant and Butchers Road grade crossing.Apr 30, 2014

151-01145 viewsGheringhap, semaphore signal post two, down home for No.1 Road to post four, points and indicator are for Siding A to either Sidings B or No.1 Road, mainline at foot of image.Apr 30, 2014