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Last additions - 0161
161-37138 viewsTocumwal, view of the broad gauge mainline to Melbourne with broad gauge sidings on the right, derelict Meggitt flour mill on the right, the line to Melbourne can be just made out running in front of mill.Apr 30, 2014
161-36119 viewsTocumwal, mixed gauge yard overview, station building and NSWGR platform side, the track along the pole line is standard gauge while the ones in front are broad gauge, the silos are just visible on the right, looking north.Apr 30, 2014
161-35111 viewsTocumwal station building elevation from the dual gauge or NSWGR platform side, the tracks in front are broad gauge, while the ones in the middle between the post are standard gauge.Apr 30, 2014
161-34130 viewsTocumwal, station yard overview looking south, the yard on the left is the broad and standard gauge trans-shipping yards, the silos are serviced by broad gauge rails, the station building, platform and fetters trolley shed are in the middle, hotel and derelict flour mill form the backdrop and the broad gauge yard with V/Line sleeper transport waggons and broad gauge cattle yards on the right side. The track ending at the yards is the standard gauge cattle yards track.Apr 30, 2014
161-33108 viewsTocumwal, yard view of broad gauge tracks running north, NSWGR standard gauge cattle yard track on the far right, trans-shipping cranes in the distance.Apr 30, 2014
161-32113 viewsTocumwal, overview of the overgrown standard gauge NSWGR yards taken looking south from turntable and pit, silos on the left, derelict flour mill, station building and platform and V/Line broad gauge sleeper transport waggons, standard gauge fettlers shed is at this end of platform.Apr 30, 2014
161-31118 viewsTocumwal, broad gauge yard overview looking north from end of platform, Victorian Railways broad gauge cattle yards on the left, with the NSWGR standard gauge cattle yards in the background at left, the tracks in front of the camera are broad gauge, track behind yards is standard gauge, trans-shipping cranes in the distance, standard gauge yard in on the right in the grass.Apr 30, 2014
161-30120 viewsTocumwal, broad gauge station yard overview looking south from end of platform, track and points and levers, station building and sleeper transport waggons, a hotel and flour mill in the background.Apr 30, 2014
161-29115 viewsTocumwal, V/Line broad gauge VZTX type bogie sleeper transport waggon VZTX 8 converted from a VBAX type box van which would've started out as a Victorian Railways Newport Workshops built BP / BB van from the late 1950s.Apr 30, 2014
161-28116 viewsTocumwal, V/Line broad gauge VZSX type bogie sleeper container waggon VZSX 100 converted from a VLCX / VLX type louvre van between 1987-89, with empty VWS type sleeper transport containers VWS 001 and VWS 009.Apr 30, 2014
161-27126 viewsTocumwal, V/Line broad gauge KMQ type four wheel container waggon KMQ 85 with a loaded VWS type sleeper transport container VWS 014, KMQ 85 started life as a T type fixed wheel base ice refrigerated van built in January 1924 at Newport by Craig and Party, in March of 1976 it was converted to the KMQ type at Bendigo Workshops.Apr 30, 2014
161-26114 viewsTocumwal, good loading pivot crane, broad gauge yard.Apr 30, 2014
161-25108 viewsTocumwal, sleeper loading forklift contraption.Apr 30, 2014
161-24117 viewsTocumwal, broad gauge yard overview from station platform with sleeper transport waggons, stock yards and grain silo complex in the background.Apr 30, 2014
161-2397 viewsCobram station building north west corner, signal lever behind post.Apr 30, 2014
161-22107 viewsCobram, signal lever with Annett key and adjustment wheel, electric interlock junction boxes.Apr 30, 2014
161-2195 viewsCobram, yard overview looking north from station platform, Williamstown style silo complex in the background, station building at right.Apr 30, 2014
161-20110 viewsCobram, station platform and building overview, show well maintained garden, luggage trolley, the way we were.Apr 30, 2014
161-19151 viewsCobram, station yard overview looking south from the platform, searchlight signal post and grade crossing with speed board and indicator, corrugated iron shed, V/Line broad gauge D type bogie louvre van in yard having being shunted off an earlier down passenger train.Apr 30, 2014
161-18143 viewsCobram, view from platform of crew crib room looking south, speed board and grade crossing indicator at right.Apr 30, 2014
38 files on 2 page(s) 1

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