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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore

Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
051001 570873 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #22, 6213, builders plate detail, a Comeng WA built flat waggon from February 1977 under order no. 07-M-282 RY.Jan 18, 2017
051001 570781 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #22, 6213, a Comeng WA built flat waggon from February 1977 under order no. 07-M-282 RY.Jan 18, 2017
051001 570675 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #29, 6007, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon from September 1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 570582 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, builders plate detail of flat waggon #20, 6010, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon on 03-09-1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 570486 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, builders plate detail of flat waggon #20, 6010, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon on 03-09-1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 570394 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #20, 6010, detail of tare and gross with original G506010 number, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon from September 1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 570289 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #20, 6010, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon from September 1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 570193 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #19, 6013, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon from September 1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 570096 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #18, 6012, detail of builders plate, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon with build date 11-09-1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 569991 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #18, 6012, detail of tare and gross with original G506012 number visible, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon from September 1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 569891 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #18, 6012, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon from September 1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 569781 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #17, 6016, builders plate, a Comeng WA built flat waggon from 1971.Jan 18, 2017
051001 569686 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #17, 6016 a Comeng WA built flat waggon from 1971 which carries no. 6506-016.Jan 18, 2017
051001 569595 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, builders plate detail of flat waggon #16, 6009, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon from September 1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 569487 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, builders plate detail of flat waggon #16, 6009, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon from September 1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 569391 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, builders plate detail of waggon #15, 6206, a Comeng WA built flat waggon from January 1977 under order no. 07-M-282 RY.Jan 18, 2017
051001 569280 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #16, 6009, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon from September 1970.Jan 18, 2017
051001 569189 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #15, 6206, a Comeng WA built flat waggon from January 1977 under order no. 07-M-282 RY.Jan 18, 2017
051001 568983 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #14, 6207, a Comeng WA built flat waggon from January 1977 under order no. 07-M-282 RY.Jan 18, 2017
051001 569083 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, builders plate detail of flat waggon #14, 6207, a Comeng WA built flat waggon from January 1977 under order no. 07-M-282 RY.Jan 18, 2017
3720 files on 186 page(s) 115

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