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Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
050319 014288 viewsNelson Point, rail recovery and transport train, 1st lead off waggon 6011, built by Scotts of Ipswich 04-09-1970, the mesh guarding is for the winch cable. The chute arrangement for the discharging and recovery of rail is visible.Jan 18, 2017
050319 014196 viewsNelson Point, cut down Magor USA built former Oroville Dam 91 ton ore waggon 665, now used as the crib waggon on the steel train, side view.Jan 18, 2017
050319 014096 viewsNelson Point, cut down Magor USA built former Oroville Dam 91 ton ore waggon 665, now used as the crib waggon on the steel train, 3/4 view.Jan 18, 2017
050319 0139153 viewsNelson Point, a heavily cut down and modified Magor USA ore waggon, converted to a 50 tonne waggon and designated the winch waggon with generator set to power the winch and the crib car.Jan 18, 2017
050319 0138103 viewsNelson Point, cut down Magor USA built former Oroville Dam 91 ton ore waggon 665, seen here being used as the crib waggon on the steel train.Jan 18, 2017
050319 0137158 viewsNelson Point, view of the Steel Train set sitting out in the South Yard, cut down Magor USA built former Oroville Dam 91 ton ore waggon, now used as the crib waggon on the rear of the Steel Train.Jan 18, 2017
041225 070554113 viewsNelson Point, Ore Car Repair Shop roads, flat waggon no. 5, later renumbered 6705. Originally in service with Goldsworthy Mining as a BC or BCV box van, built by Comeng WA in 1966.Jan 18, 2017
041225 070523136 viewsNelson Point, Ore Car Repair Shop roads, flat waggon no. 5, later renumbered 6705. Originally in service with Goldsworthy Mining as a BC or BCV box van, built by Comeng WA in 1966.Jan 18, 2017
041225 064817128 viewsNelson Point, CFCLA ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 746, side view from the ore car repair shop roads.Jan 18, 2017
041225 064712301 viewsNelson Point Ore Car Repair Shops, CFCLA leased ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 746, a fleet of these cars were leased to BHP, and are known as the 'PACE Cars', after the expansion project of the same name. 25th December 2004.Jan 18, 2017
041012 082953120 viewsBing Siding, one of one hundred and forty four original Oroville Dam 91 ton ore waggons built by Magor USA in 1963, sold to Mt Newman Mining in 1968, 527, seen here converted to a ballast car. Note the weld line where the internal plates are for bottom discharge of ballast.Jan 18, 2017
041012 082946121 viewsBing Siding, one of twenty original Oroville Dam waggons built by Magor USA in 1963, sold to Mt Newman Mining in 1968, ballast waggon 509 (of 501-520) still in near delivered condition. Note the access ladder and the weld line where the internal plates are for bottom discharge of ballast.Jan 18, 2017
040912 142144104 viewsNelson Point, Silver Star observation coach, 'Sundowner', 3/4 view of rear end, shows lighting arrangement, end of train markers. Originally built by E. G. Budd in 1939 numbered 301 as the Silver Star as a diner-parlour-observation coach on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad's General Pershing Zephyr train from the 1930s and 1940s. Donated to Mt Newman Mining Co. by AMAX an original joint venture partner to commemorate the projects first 100 million tonnes of iron ore railed between Mount Whaleback mine and the Port Hedland port.Jan 18, 2017
040912 14213492 viewsNelson Point, Silver Star observation coach, 'Sundowner', 3/4 view from rear end. Originally built by E. G. Budd in 1939 numbered 301 as the Silver Star as a diner-parlour-observation coach on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad's General Pershing Zephyr train from the 1930s and 1940s. Donated to Mt Newman Mining Co. by AMAX an original joint venture partner to commemorate the projects first 100 million tonnes of iron ore railed between Mount Whaleback mine and the Port Hedland port.Jan 18, 2017
040815 171504109 viewsNelson Point, view of hand brake end of fuel tank waggon 0020, 82 kilolitre capacity built by Comeng NSW for BP as RTC 2, used by Mt Newman Mining, unsure when converted to 0020.Jan 18, 2017
040815 171432102 viewsNelson Point, view of brake valve and reservoirs mounting and piping of fuel tank waggon 0020, 82 kilolitre capacity built by Comeng NSW for BP as RTC 2, used by Mt Newman Mining, unsure when converted to 0020.Jan 18, 2017
040815 171420100 viewsNelson Point, view of access ladder, brake valve and discharge piping of fuel tank waggon 0020, 82 kilolitre capacity built by Comeng NSW for BP as RTC 2, used by Mt Newman Mining, unsure when converted to 0020.Jan 18, 2017
040815 17140699 viewsNelson Point, side view of A end and bogie detail view of fuel tank waggon 0020, 82 kilolitre capacity built by Comeng NSW for BP as RTC 2, used by Mt Newman Mining, unsure when converted to 0020.Jan 18, 2017
040815 171350101 viewsNelson Point, detail view of data placard of fuel tank waggon 0020, 82 kilolitre capacity built by Comeng NSW for BP as RTC 2, used by Mt Newman Mining, unsure when converted to 0020.Jan 18, 2017
040815 17131892 viewsNelson Point, view of hand brake end of fuel tank waggon 0020, 82 kilolitre capacity built by Comeng NSW for BP as RTC 2, used by Mt Newman Mining, unsure when converted to 0020.Jan 18, 2017
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