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Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
239-25372 viewsYandi One balloon loop sees the 1600 empty arrival with mid-train LocoTrol equipped locomotive Goninan rebuild CM40-8ML cab-less unit, serial no. 8412-09/94-155 5664 'Kaohsiung' edging towards the load-out tunnel on the 17/01/1997. There was three of these units built without cab, they have all since had cabs fitted. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-24190 viewsYandi One balloon loop sees the 1600 empty arrival with mid-train locomotive 5650 'Yawata', a Goninan rebuild GE CM40-8M model serial no. 8412-07/93-141 edging towards the load-out tunnel on the 17/01/1997. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-23147 viewsOverview of Yandi One OHP plant as viewed from the head end of CV2 conveyor which runs from the primary crusher to the reclaim pile. Visible from the left is the radial stacker on the stockpile, power station radiators, new and old side tertiary crushing structures, sub-station 4, the workshops in the background and on the secondary crusher structure. The reclaim tunnels and conveyor CV3 are visible running from the bottom of the image to the secondary crusher. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-22107 viewsOverview of Yandi One OHP plant as viewed from the head end of CV2 conveyor which runs from the primary crusher to the reclaim pile. Visible from the left is the screen house, radial stacker on the stockpile, power station, new and old side tertiary crushing structures, sub-station 4, the control room and on the extreme right the secondary crusher structure. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-21104 viewsView from the north western side of the Yandi One ROM (run of Mine) bin showing the operators cabin, Transmin rock breaker, conveyor CV2 running up hill to the left and Sub-Station 1 and the Yandi office complex beyond that on the hill. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-20106 viewsYandi One primary crusher, GS01, a Jaques grizzly screen 01 with the ROM (run of mine) or raw material bin above it. The dozer track chain links are to prevent surges of material spilling out of the bin uncontrolled and flooding the screen and jaw crusher. Any small material will fall between the grizzly bars and bypass the Jaques single-toggle jaw crusher. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-19126 viewsView of the Yandi One primary crusher or 'mouth of the OHP' from the south side. The Jaques grizzly screen GS01 and Jaques single toggle jaw crusher are visible along with the Transmin rock breaker for when the ROM is oversize. The cab has bars on the window to prevent 'fly-rock' from smashing it. The job of the operator is a lonely one with only the momentum on the swing jaw or the occasional sparky visit to break the monotony. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-18115 viewsView of Yandi One OHP looking from the secondary crusher north east at the 'old side' bank of five tertiary crushers. The control room is in the bottom right corner and glimpses of the stockpile and power station and offices can be seen on the right. CV6 is running up the left of the image to the middling crushers. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-17107 viewsView of Yandi One OHP looking from the secondary crusher north west back at the 'new side' of tertiary crushers. The screen house can be seen in the background. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-16112 viewsView of Yandi One OHP looking from the secondary crusher west back to the primary crusher system with CV3 and the reclaim tunnel and the pedestal mount for CV2 evident. The mine, trucks and waste dump can be seen in the background. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-15125 viewsLooking down from the middling crushers to the original 'old side' bank of five tertiary crushers. Sub-Station 2 can be seen at right with the control room above that. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-14111 viewsOverview of the Yandi One Jaques J-Cone secondary crusher and scalping screen as viewed from above the middling crushers, looking down CV6. The conveyor from the right is CV3 from the primary crusher and reclaim tunnel. The bus in the background is parked at the offices and was usually driven by 'Tangles' the sampler. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-13102 viewsOverview of the Yandi One sizing plant looking north from above the middling crushers along CV4 (middle belt) to the screen house which houses six Jaques 'banana screens'. The feed bin and associated feed conveyors, travelling left and right can be clearly seen. The 'new side' is on the left and the 'old side' on the right. The feed along CV10 to the stockpile is obscured by the 'old side' structure and Sub-Station 3 can just be made out. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-12109 viewsOverview of Yandi One looking towards the stockpile along CV11 towards CV20 and the radial stacker and CV21 the boom conveyor and full stockpile indicating the impending arrival of a train. The steel laydown is visible on the right. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-11122 viewsOverview of Yandi One looking towards the stockpile along CV11 towards CV20 and the radial stacker and CV21 the boom conveyor and full stockpile indicating the impending arrival of a train. The steel laydown is visible on the right. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-10114 viewsOverview of Yandi One mine from the end of the radial stacker boom, CV21, looking south along CV20 towards the OHP. Buildings visible from the left, diesel fuel farm, sample hut, workshops beyond the power station and the offices in the background. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-09117 viewsOverview of Yandi One mine from the end of the radial stacker boom looking south. Buildings visible from the left, diesel fuel farm, sample hut, workshops beyond the power station and the offices in the background. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-08115 viewsOverview of Yandi One mine from the end of the radial stacker boom looking south. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-04122 viewsOverview looking south west from the radial stacker towards the Yandi One mine pit. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
239-07115 viewsView from the Yandi One radial stacker looking north east, the camp for the mine is located a couple of kilometres beyond those front hills. The head drum of the conveyor and the ore stockpile are visible in the corner. GeoData.Apr 07, 2016
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