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Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
160128 00789167 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, Goninan rebuilt GE model CM40-8M unit 5661 has the back wall of the cab torn off.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00654191 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, Goninan rebuilt GE model CM40-8M unit 5661 cab has had the drivers side torn out revealing the remains on the control stand.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00584169 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, Goninan rebuilt GE model CM40-8M unit 5661 is now match for the 40 tonne Cat excavator model 330DL as the shears tear the cab to pieces.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00610161 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, Goninan rebuilt GE model CM40-8M unit 5661 is now match for the 40 tonne Cat excavator model 330DL as the shears tear the cab to pieces.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00568174 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, the sparks fly as the remains on an ALCo frame are thermal lanced into smaller manageable pieces, a GE V16 7FDL-16 engine is also cut in half.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00567218 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, Goninan rebuilt GE model CM40-8M unit 5661 has had the hood removed showing the GE 7FDL-16 prime mover and GMG187 alternator, the fuel tank indicates that the frame is a Comeng built ALCo M636.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00429208 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, the sparks fly as the remains on an ALCo frame are thermal lanced into smaller manageable pieces, a GE V16 7FDL-16 engine is also cut in half.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00416281 viewsView of the cab roof of Goninan rebuild GE model CM40-8M 5654, serial 8412-11, builders no. 93-145, shows tropical roof, marker and head lights, aerials, sand filling hatch covers wipers and strobe light in place of single trumpet horn.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00413A349 viewsView of the stripped out cab - drivers console of Goninan built CM39-8 unit 5631, serial no. 5831-10, builders no. 88-080.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00410271 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, this image shows three different types of the Dash 8 units. On the left 5654 is a GE model CM40-8M Goninan rebuild of a Comeng built ALCo M636, in the middle is new built GE model CM39-8 by Goninan 5633 and on the right is 5636 which is a GE model CM40-8M Goninan rebuild of an AE Goodwin built ALCo C636.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00408275 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, front view of Goninan rebuilt GE model CM40-8M 5655 serial 8412-12, builders no. 93-146 flanked on the left by older sister unit 5642 and on the right by sister 5653. Note these two newer rebuilds have marker lights while 42 has none but has a snow plough on the no. 2 end.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00407279 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, rear view of Goninan rebuilt GE model CM40-8MEFI 5669 serial 8412-02, builders no. 95-160 flanked on the left by sister unit 5668 and on the right by older CM40-8M 5642. Note the newer rebuilds have marker lights while 42 has none but has a snow plough on the no. 2 end. Also note the roof access ladder rungs have been removed.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00406286 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, rear view of Goninan rebuilt GE model CM40-8M 5641 serial 8281-06, builders no. 92-130 flanked either side by later rebuilds 5660 and 5668. Note the newer rebuilds have marker lights while 41 has none.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00404290 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, front view of Goninan rebuilt GE model CM40-8M 5660 serial 8412-05, builders no. 94-151.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00403325 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal Yard, drivers side cab view of the ALCo Hi-Ad bogie with external secondary coil suspension of the original M636 unit 5478.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00402303 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal yard, intact bogie from CM39-8 unit 5632, build date 11-87, GE floating bolster design.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00400333 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal yard, traction motors from CM39-8 unit 5632, more than likely GE 752AF units.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00395332 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal yard, the remains of Goninan rebuild CM40-8ML (cabless, but cab fitted in 1996) 5664 serial 8412-09/94-155 hood and dynamic brake module.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00394354 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal yard, the ALCo remains of Goninan rebuild CM40-8ML (cabless, but cab fitted in 1996) 5664 serial 8412-09 / 94-155, the ALCo Hi-Ad bogies and fuel tanks of original ALCo M636 Comeng NSW built 5491 serial C6084-7.Jan 31, 2016
160128 00393355 viewsWedgefield, Sims Metal yard, General Electric V16 7FDL-16 prime mover from CM40-8M 5664.Jan 31, 2016
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