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Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
267-1037 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP's 1230 empty departure mid-train units Goninan rebuild CM40-8M GE units 5651 'Tobata' serial number 8412-08 / 93-142 and 5645 'Sherlock' serial number 8281-11 / 92-134 104 waggons from the lead with 104 waggons trailing. The line curving away to the left is the Goldsworthy line to Boodarie and Finucane Island. 1247 hrs Friday 12th of April 2002.Nov 21, 2022
267-0940 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP's 1230 empty departure with second unit the last GE rebuild CM40-8MEFI 5669 'Beilun' serial number 8412-02 / 95-160 with General Electric AC6000 unit 6076 on the point with two CM40-8M mid-train units and 208 waggons powers along the Newman mainline. 1247 hrs 12th of April 2002.Nov 21, 2022
267-0837 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP's 1230 empty departure behind General Electric AC6000 unit 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial number 51068 leads CM40-8MEFI 5669 on the point with two CM40-8M mid-train units an 208 waggons powers along the Newman mainline with the Goldsworthy line to Yarrie curving away directly in front of 6076. 1247 hrs 12th of April 2002.Nov 21, 2022
267-0743 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP's 1230 empty departure behind General Electric AC6000 unit 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial number 51068 leads CM40-8MEFI 5669 on the point with mid-train units CM40-8M units 5651 and 5645 104 waggons back with 104 waggons trailing. 1247 hrs 12th of April 2002.Nov 21, 2022
267-0650 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP's 1230 empty departure behind General Electric AC6000 unit 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial number 51068 leads CM40-8MEFI 5669 on the point with mid-train units CM40-8M units 5651 and 5645 104 waggons back with 104 waggons trailing. 1247 hrs 12th of April 2002.Nov 21, 2022
267-0547 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP's 1230 empty departure behind General Electric AC6000 unit 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial number 51068 leads CM40-8MEFI 5669 on the point with mid-train units CM40-8M units 5651 and 5645 104 waggons back with 104 waggons trailing. 1247 hrs 12th of April 2002.Nov 21, 2022
267-0454 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP's 1230 empty departure behind General Electric AC6000 unit 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial number 51068 leads CM40-8MEFI 5669 on the point with mid-train units CM40-8M units 5651 and 5645 104 waggons back with 104 waggons trailing. 1247 hrs 12th of April 2002.Nov 21, 2022
267-0357 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP's 1230 empty departure behind General Electric AC6000 unit 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial number 51068 leads CM40-8MEFI 5669 on the point with mid-train units CM40-8M units 5651 and 5645 104 waggons back with 104 waggons trailing. 1247 hrs 12th of April 2002.Nov 21, 2022
267-0261 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP's 1230 empty departure behind General Electric AC6000 unit 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial number 51068 leads CM40-8MEFI 5669 on the point with mid-train units CM40-8M units 5651 and 5645 104 waggons back with 104 waggons trailing. 1247 hrs 12th of April 2002.Nov 21, 2022
257-3250 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, empty train with second unit BHP Iron Ore loco 5632 'Poseidon' one of four new built GE CM39-8 model locomotives by Goninan in late 1998 with serial number 5831-11 / 88-081.Mar 12, 2022
257-3137 viewsGoldsworthy Junction an empty train thunders through the junction behind 6000 horsepower behemoth 6072 'Hesta' serial number 51064 and built by General Electric in Erie USA in 1999 and a new built CM39-8 unit 5632 'Poseidon' by Goninan with serial number 5831-11 / 88-081. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-3027 viewsGoldsworthy Junction an empty train thunders through the junction behind 6000 horsepower behemoth 6072 'Hesta' serial number 51064 and built by General Electric in Erie USA in 1999 and a new built CM39-8 unit 5632 'Poseidon' by Goninan with serial number 5831-11 / 88-081. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2932 viewsGoldsworthy Junction looking north as an empty train approaches, the line curving in from the right in the Goldsworthy or Yarrie line. The dual searchlight signal is GJ 9 and is so positioned to allow approaching trains to see the junction signal, like a repeater. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2837 viewsGoldsworthy Junction looking north as an empty train approaches, the line curving in from the right in the Goldsworthy or Yarrie line. The dual searchlight signal is GJ 9 and is so positioned to allow approaching trains to see the junction signal, like a repeater. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2739 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, an empty train runs between the junction and the Broome Rd crossing behind the standard single locomotive 5646 'White Springs', a Goninan 1992 built GE CM40-8 model with serial number 5244-11 / 92-135. The four styles of waggon in use are visible, behind the loco are three Golynx waggons, then a number of Gunderson USA builds, the ribbed type is a Portec USA built and then following are the Tomlinson WA and Scotts of Ipswich built 70 ton waggons. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2642 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, an empty train runs between the junction and the Broome Rd crossing behind the standard single locomotive 5646 'White Springs', a Goninan 1992 built GE CM40-8 model with serial number 5244-11 / 92-135, one of a pair of new build locos financed by Goldsworthy. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2537 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, an empty train runs between the junction and the Broome Rd crossing behind the standard single locomotive 5646 'White Springs', a Goninan 1992 built GE CM40-8 model with serial number 5244-11 / 92-135. The four styles of waggon in use are visible, behind the loco are three Golynx waggons, then a number of Gunderson USA builds, the ribbed type is a Portec USA built and then following are the Tomlinson WA and Scotts of Ipswich built 70 ton waggons. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2431 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, an empty train runs between the junction and the Broome Rd crossing behind the standard single locomotive 5646 'White Springs', a Goninan 1992 built GE CM40-8 model with serial number 5244-11 / 92-135. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2340 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, an empty train runs between the junction and the Broome Rd crossing behind the standard single locomotive 5646 'White Springs', a Goninan 1992 built GE CM40-8 model with serial number 5244-11 / 92-135. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2238 viewsFlash Butt yard, the Barclay Mowlem ballast cleaning train known as the Circus Train, waggons BW-02 and DW-01 closest to camera. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
3720 files on 186 page(s) 15

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