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Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
227-1096 viewsNelson Point, a view from the rear of A berth at the salt pile and stacker, this was operated by Cargill at the time of the photo. The under harbour tunnel portal is on the right. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
227-08101 viewsNelson Point, view along the rear of A and B berths from Shiploader 2, salt pile on the left, then the under harbour tunnel portal, old reclaimers 3 and 4 with the crushing building in the distance, which has now been demolished, and the rear of Shiploader 1 on B berth. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
227-0792 viewsNelson Point, view along the rear of A and B berths from Shiploader 2, salt pile on the left, then the under harbour tunnel portal, old reclaimers 3 and 4 with the crushing building in the distance, which has now been demolished, and the rear of Shiploader 1 on B berth. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
227-0684 viewsNelson Point, view along B berth with Shiploader 1, this loader has since been replaced. In the distance now are berths E and F, Redbank Powerstation can be seen in the distance. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
227-0592 viewsNelson Point, view along B berth with Shiploader 1, this loader has since been replaced. In the distance now are berths E and F, Redbank Powerstation can be seen in the distance. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
227-0392 viewsNelson Point, view along A and B berths from Shiploader 2, Shiploader 1 on B berth, reclaimers 3 and 4 visible behind the under harbour tunnel feed conveyor. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
227-0490 viewsNelson Point, looking across with Anderson Point on the left and Stanley Point on the right, Boodarie workshop can be made out with a train in front of it. Today this view is very different!! GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
227-01102 viewsNelson Point, view along A and B berths from Shiploader 2, Shiploader 1 on B berth, reclaimers 3 and 4 visible behind the under harbour tunnel feed conveyor. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
227-0292 viewsNelson Point, view along A and B berths from Shiploader 2, Shiploader 1 on B berth, reclaimers 3 and 4 visible behind the under harbour tunnel feed conveyor. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
226-37112 viewsShaw siding back track, 219 km, a defected waggon has been cut off a loaded Yandi train, waggon 1567 is a Comeng WA build from a batch of 288 built in 1974. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
226-3698 viewsShaw siding 219 km, 5654 'Kashima' serial 8412-11 / 93-145 is the trail or slave remote on the mid-train pair of units, note the large flat fuel tank indicating this unit was a Comeng NSW built ALCo before rebuild. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
226-35101 viewsShaw siding 219 km, 5656 'Keihin' serial 8412-01 / 94-147 is the lead or controlling remote on the mid-train pair of units, the CCTV camera is visible under the radiator wing, this was a trial for single man crewing when operating long end lead, also note the large flat fuel tank indicating these two units were Comeng NSW built ALCo's. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
226-3492 viewsShaw siding 219 km, 5656 'Keihin' serial 8412-01 / 94-147 is the lead or controlling remote on the mid-train pair of units, the vinyl windscreen protectors are fitted to the windscreens, note the large flat fuel tank indicating these two units were Comeng NSW built ALCo's. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
226-3395 viewsShaw siding at the 219 km, mid-train remote units Goninan CM40-8M GE rebuilds power past the rail grinder. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
226-3295 viewsShaw siding at the 219 km, mid-train remote units Goninan CM40-8M GE rebuilds power past the rail grinder. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
226-3193 viewsShaw siding, the loaded train heading north around the 698 metre radius curve behind two Goninan CM40-8M GE rebuild units with loaded Comeng WA built waggons. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
226-3085 viewsShaw siding, the loaded train heading north behind two Goninan CM40-8M GE rebuild units with loaded Comeng WA built waggons and a couple of the smooth sided experimental Comeng waggons. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
226-29103 viewsShaw siding, the loaded train is winning the climb as second unit 5636 'Munda' serial 8151-11 / 91-122 another Goninan CM40-8M GE rebuild assists in powering the train to port. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
226-2880 viewsShaw siding at the 219 km a loaded train with power from two Goninan CM40-8M GE rebuild units 5642 'Wallareenya' serial 8281-07 / 92-131 and sister unit 5636, the mid-train remotes can be seen in the distance topping the grade. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
226-2690 viewsShaw siding at the 219 km a loaded train with power from two Goninan CM40-8M GE rebuild units 5642 'Wallareenya' serial 8281-07 / 92-131 and sister unit 5636, the mid-train remotes can be seen in the distance topping the grade. GeoData.Nov 13, 2015
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