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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore

Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
222-2993 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7073 serial 47752 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie powers away with an empty train with 7091 following a crew change with a loaded train.Oct 26, 2015
222-3099 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7073 serial 47752 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie powers away with an empty train with sister Dash 9-44CW unit 7091 serial 47770 following a crew change with a loaded train.Oct 26, 2015
222-2790 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7073 serial 47752 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie with 7091 has stopped for a crew change besides a loaded headed up by 7071.Oct 26, 2015
222-2898 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7073 serial 47752 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie with 7091 has stopped for a crew change besides a loaded headed up by 7071.Oct 26, 2015
222-2689 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7073 serial 47752 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie with 7091 has stopped for a crew change besides a loaded headed up by 7071.Oct 26, 2015
222-25110 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7073 serial 47752 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie with 7091 has stopped for a crew change besides a loaded headed up by 7071.Oct 26, 2015
222-2488 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7073 serial 47752 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie brings an empty train to a stop with 7091 for a crew change besides a loaded headed up by 7071.Oct 26, 2015
222-2398 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7073 serial 47752 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie brings an empty train to a stop with 7091 for a crew change besides a loaded headed up by 7071.Oct 26, 2015
222-2288 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7073 serial 47752 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie brings an empty train to a stop with 7091 for a crew change.Oct 26, 2015
222-2194 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7073 serial 47752 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie brings an empty train to a stop with 7091 for a crew change.Oct 26, 2015
222-20121 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7071 serial 47750 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie.Oct 26, 2015
222-19137 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7066 serial 47745 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie.Oct 26, 2015
222-18128 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7066 serial 47745 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie brings a loaded train to a stand with 7071 for a crew change.Oct 26, 2015
222-17142 viewsSomewhere on the original single line section between Gull and Rosella Hamersley Iron 7071 serial 47750 a General Electric Dash 9-44CW built by GE at Erie brings a loaded train to a stand with 7066 for a crew change.Oct 26, 2015
222-16145 viewsMust've fired the camera climbing into the back of the ute.Oct 26, 2015
222-15151 viewsLalla Rookh gold mine head frame at sunset.
In the 1924 WA Mines Department report, it states there was a ten head battery and five cyanide vats for leaching located here GeoData.
Oct 26, 2015
222-14140 viewsSulphur Springs base metal area, exploration drill rig drilling, this dates from 2000-01 when Sipa Resources had the lease. Location is only approximate GeoData.Oct 26, 2015
222-13148 viewsSulphur Springs base metal area, exploration drill rig drilling, this dates from 2000-01 when Sipa Resources had the lease. Location is only approximate GeoData.Oct 26, 2015
222-12157 viewsFlat tyre on the BHP access road, the off cut of rail is used to get the axle high enough to fit the factory jack under it, Oh What a Feeling…Oct 26, 2015
222-11168 viewsBHP access road, the Toy Titan has suffered another flat tyre.Oct 26, 2015
3720 files on 186 page(s) 170

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