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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore

Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
249-2655 viewsA loaded Hamersley Iron train runs across the plains north of Dugite Siding near the 70 km as it nears the destination of its cargo. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-2565 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking upstream to the east from the middle of the bridge following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-2462 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking downstream to the west from the middle of the bridge following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-2361 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking downstream to the west following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-2271 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking upstream following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-2169 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking south following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-2071 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking south following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1963 viewsTable Hill on the Robe River railway line, a microwave radio communications site powered by solar panels. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1868 viewsTable Hill on the Robe River railway line, a microwave radio communications site powered by solar panels. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1768 viewsTable Hill on the Robe River railway line, looking in a northerly direction as the railway line snakes north and heads through Lockyer Gap towards Cape Lambert. Following a very wet 1999 cyclone season Lake Poongkaliyarra is very full. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1665 viewsTable Hill on the Robe River railway line, looking in a southerly direction as the railway line snakes south towards the Chichester's. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1560 viewsTable Hill on the Robe River railway line, a microwave radio communications site powered by solar panels. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1455 viewsYule River bridge looking north from the 160 km on the BHP mainline. The third pier from the southern end was undermined by flood waters from Tropical Cyclone John in December 1999. The rail line was closed for two weeks while repairs were effected. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1357 viewsYule River bridge looking north from the 160 km on the BHP mainline. The third pier from the southern end was undermined by flood waters from Tropical Cyclone John in December 1999. The rail line was closed for two weeks while repairs were effected. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1257 viewsYule River bridge looking north from the bridge deck on the BHP mainline of the sunk track section. The third pier from the southern end was undermined by flood waters from Tropical Cyclone John in December 1999. The rail line was closed for two weeks while repairs were effected. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1159 viewsYule River bridge looking north west downstream the third pier from the southern end was undermined by flood waters from Tropical Cyclone John in December 1999. The rail line was closed for two weeks while repairs were effected. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1052 viewsYule River bridge south abutment showing the chainage of the railway line. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-0950 viewsYule River bridge looking east upstream the third pier from the southern end was undermined by flood waters from Tropical Cyclone John in December 1999. The rail line was closed for two weeks while repairs were effected. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-0855 viewsYule River bridge looking east upstream the third pier from the southern end was undermined by flood waters from Tropical Cyclone John in December 1999. The rail line was closed for two weeks while repairs were effected. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-0760 viewsYule River bridge looking north east upstream the third pier from the southern end was undermined by flood waters from Tropical Cyclone John in December 1999. The rail line was closed for two weeks while repairs were effected. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
3720 files on 186 page(s) 33

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